patrix87 / PowerShellGSM

A Comprehensive PowerShell Tool for Simple Automated Game Server Management.
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Feature request - Oxide update #60

Open jakman76 opened 6 months ago

jakman76 commented 6 months ago

using the PowerShell for Rust, I'd love to have the Oxide update included or optional. If not a fit for the official version - I would try adding it myself. Let me know.

Currently using a batch file I run after manual shutdown, would need to integrate this into the PS:

cd C:\Servers\rustserver\ md serveroxide bitsadmin /transfer downloadOxide /download /priority normal C:\Servers\rustserver\serveroxide\ cd C:\Servers\rustserver\serveroxide "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRar.exe" x -y :CHECKOXIDE if exist goto DELOXIDE goto COPYOXIDE :DELOXIDE del goto CHECKOXIDE :COPYOXIDE xcopy C:\Servers\rustserver\serveroxide C:\Servers\rustserver /e /y cd C:\Servers\rustserver\ rd /S /Q serveroxide

thank you.

patrix87 commented 4 months ago

You could create a RustOxide.psm1 template file to do that. Some other template also download files during installation. If you do, please open a Pull Request.