patrykcoding / rcloneExplorer

rclone explorer for Android
MIT License
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Doesn't work on Android 10 #250

Open phly95 opened 5 years ago

phly95 commented 5 years ago

When it starts up on Android 10, it asks for a password that doesn't exist. And when you reinstall the app, if you add a remote, it says "error creating remote". Under about, it says Rclone Version: -1 meaning something about the update is breaking rclone itself.

I'm using the Essential PH-1 on Android 10.

x0b commented 5 years ago

The rclone version contained in rcloneExplorer <= v1.7.4 is not compatible with Android due to problems with TLS memory layout. And also there's a new security restriction on Android 10 that requires a few changes in rcloneExplorer.

The version showing up as -1 just means that it does not run at all.

You can try my build v1.7.5 though. And a preview version with better Android 10 support should also appear there later this month.

phly95 commented 5 years ago

I tried both rcloneExplorer-1.7.5-armv8a-release.apk and rcloneExplorer-1.7.5-fatapk-release.apk and both of them still had the rclone -1 bug.

x0b commented 5 years ago

Thats too bad, but somewhat expected since i don't have any device or emulator to test Android 10 on armv8a. If you want to help out, you can try out a new test release for android 10 that should work.**

** Well, a few things still won't work because of clear text restrictions and scoped storage. Streaming being the most obvious here because it's the default action for tapping on videos. But again, this should be repaired later this month.

phly95 commented 5 years ago

Why did they change this on Android anyway? Anyways, I tried the test release, and so far, it's working, but as you said, the streaming service doesn't work on this build. Thanks for the release! :D

x0b commented 4 years ago

I've released a new proper version which should address all known issues. If you discover any new ones, please report them over there to avoid spamming this issue tracker with potentially non-applicable issues.

Streaming now also works on Android 10, although you need to use a third party media player because the default app refuses to cooperate.

Edit 2020-07-27: As noted by @jtagcat the app has been renamed / fork-seperated in early 2020 to avoid legal troubles when we continue development. Please refer to the README and other linked documentation.

jtagcat commented 4 years ago

@x0b please do state that you are redirecting users to your own fork.