pattern-lab / patternengine-php-twig

Twig-based PatternEngine for Pattern Lab.
MIT License
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Watch for Changes appears to be hanging #34

Open pensandpencils opened 7 years ago

pensandpencils commented 7 years ago

When setting Pattern Lab to watch for changes in Terminal, OS Sierra, the following is output:

php core/console --watch configuring pattern lab... spawning the watch process...

And then nothing happens. Making changes to any files doesn't cause any changes/updates/rebuilds of any kind. Pressing ctrl+c still has to be used to stop watching/clear the spawning message.

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

mogsie commented 7 years ago

My guess is that there's some error in a .twig file causing the generation to fail. What happens if you just do --generate? Does it generate all the files successfully?

erik-seifert commented 6 years ago

Error in twig template seem to break patternlab watch. Better error reporting would be great.