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docs(patterns): Adds actions pattern. #4086

Open edonehoo opened 1 month ago

edonehoo commented 1 month ago

Closes #3986

patternfly-build commented 1 month ago


edonehoo commented 1 month ago

@mmenestr can you lmk what you think about this draft when you get a sec! I'm not sure how I feel about the info organization -- it felt a little awkward, but I also didn't really like any of the rearrangements I tried. So curious for thoughts/feedback in general!

mmenestr commented 1 month ago

I think the organization is fine if that's all that's gonna be in there! I think this page would also be good for things like "how to deal with actions" ie: what they trigger - do they trigger a modal? Does the action happen immediately? Which I think was an issue that Pankaj was working on which I reassigned to you, if I remember correctly (?)

So for example, "Deletion" actions. This would be a good place to specify that destructive actions should be red and that clicking on a delete button should always pop-up a modal before actually deleting the thing. So in that sense it belongs more in the "Pattern" page because you're explaining a pattern that should be followed of Clicking on a delete button --> Showing a modal --> And then actually deleting the item (as opposed to clicking delete immediately deleting the thing).

And you can go further by comparing it to a "Remove" action which wouldn't necessarily require a red button (or even a modal potentially) because it's something that can easily be recovered.

mmenestr commented 1 month ago

Also - I noticed you used purple little number markers instead of the usual pink. If that's not something you're going to change across every image, I would keep to the classic pink we usually use!

edonehoo commented 1 month ago

@mmenestr oo yes tysm for the ideas on how to expand! I did still have that other issue in my backlog and forgot to include it -- will expand to add all that 🤘

edonehoo commented 2 weeks ago

@mmenestr pushed some updates here! I added deletion info from that other issue, and also from looking around on uxd hub (so I may have grabbed some opinionated info). Lmk if the guidance I added rings true from your perspective 👀