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Advice on scaling the viz on smaller devices #132

Closed dagda1 closed 5 months ago

dagda1 commented 5 months ago

Describe the problem

I have increased the height and width of the pipeline node model.

const task: PipelineNodeModel = {
  width: NEW_TASK_WIDTH,
  height: NEW_TASK_HEIGHT,

Now, the nodes do not fit on the screen on smaller resolutions:


As I am relatively new to this package, I don't know what my options are in this scenario.

I think it would be good to have a vertical layout for mobiles but all I can find is the PipelineDagreLayout.

Are there any other layouts or are there any docs about creating your own layout?

dagda1 commented 5 months ago

TLDR; of the above post would be...

Can I display aPipelineDagreLayout in stacked form or is horizontal the only option. If not, is there any guidance on creating vertical PipelineDagreLayout layout