patterninc / blurb

Amazon Advertising API gem
MIT License
7 stars 13 forks source link

Asin report #3

Closed eamigo13 closed 5 years ago

eamigo13 commented 5 years ago

Added support for the ASIN report

blairanderson commented 5 years ago

Hi @eamigo13 is this ASINs report for PDA campaigns or is this for DSP or something entirely different? I am finding ZERO documentation for fetching PDA reports

eamigo13 commented 5 years ago

@blairanderson From my understanding, the following reports are available through the Amazon Advertising API:

Sponsored Product Reports

Sponsored Brand Reports

The ASIN report is endpoint requests the creation of a performance report for ASINs which have performance data to report.

From what I've gathered, there is a lot of information available on Amazon Advertising that isn't made available through the API as of yet. My Amazon Advertising is pretty limited to what is made available through the API, so I may not be the best resource.

I hope that helps!

blairanderson commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your answer! How do you do reporting for your product display ads (PDA)? people pulling them manually?