patternizer / quantum_poetry

Python implementation of World Lines quantum poetry algorithm in collaboration with Professor Amy Catanzano:
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Additional anyons associated with cascading branchpoints having the same label need inclusion #6

Open patternizer opened 4 years ago

patternizer commented 4 years ago

After re-reading Collins, G. P. (2006): Computing with quantum knots. Scientific American, 294(4), 56-63, addtional anyons exist associated with cascades in addition to inter-line transitions.


patternizer commented 4 years ago

There is also a need for additional logic for the Poem #23 case where a line is not subject to a qubit transformation.

patternizer commented 4 years ago

The branchpoints are not knots in the mathematical sense as there are no closed loops (actually closed loops are excluded to prevent nonsensical variants). For want of a better name than 'vertex' I have come up with the name branchpoint for those vertices that branch to another vertex having the same label.

The other thing I've tried to clarify in terms of nomenclature is to move away from the use of 'braid' and to use paths / segments through directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) associated with branchpoints having the same label (i.e. word). This is more precise in terms of graph theory.