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Support Ollama streamed responses #644

Closed dferrazm closed 3 months ago

dferrazm commented 4 months ago

To generate non-streamed responses, call the methods without passing a block. To generate streamed responses, passes the block. Eg.

# non-streamed resps
resp = [{ role: "user", content: "Hi" }])
resp.chat_completion # => "Hello there!"

# streamed resps
resp = [{ role: "user", content: "Hi" }]) { |resp| print resp.chat_completion }
# Will print iteratively "Hello there!"
resp.chat_completion # => "Hello there!"

Note: Passing the stream paramater to method will not have any effect anymore.

Closes #550

andreibondarev commented 4 months ago

@dferrazm I just tried this but nothing was streamed to me:

irb(main):005> llm = ENV["OLLAMA_URL"])
irb(main):006* messages: [{role:"user", content:"hey"}] do |chunk|
irb(main):007*   puts chunk
irb(main):008> end
   "message"=>{"role"=>"assistant", "content"=>"Hey! How's it going?"},
dferrazm commented 4 months ago

@andreibondarev you have to pass stream: true. Should it be set by default? Probably fallback to true if the block is given, right?