Closed bbohling closed 13 years ago
Hi ebohling,
sorry for the late answer.
I thought about these /tag/<tagname>/index.html
urls, like for instance permalink: pretty
generates, too. But i decided to name files corresponding to their contents and use (in my/our setup) apache's Content Negotiation to make the file extensions needless. But i should put this, as a configurable feature, on my to do list.
I used 'tags' for the tag cloud, because i think there are some differences in the meaning of tags and categories. But the plugin doesn't invent 'tags' for posts. This is already implemented in jekyll. The jekyll-tagging plugin just uses this.
thanks for the very thoughtful response...and i agree with your logic. i was unsuccessful at changing the .htaccess to handle the no extensions, but it's not a big deal...i can let it go. however, if you were to add the feature i'd definitely use it. ;)
thanks for the excellent plug-in!
There is something i forgot. Maybe, because looked at this to long ago.
When you use permalink: pretty
in your _config.yaml
, you should get your urls. But other permalink definitions will be ignored and lead to tag/tagname.html
And now, this is on my to do list ;)
ahhhh, so maybe that was my issue. i had: permalink: /:year/:month/:day/:title. which permalink: pretty is really the same thing, but with the added bonus of having your tag plugin have "pretty" URLs too. at least it appears that way in my 60 second test. ;)
actually if i use permalink: pretty the tags page no longer works because it still generates a link with .html in it. if i manually remove the html extension from the URL then the tag page successfully loads. so i guess until the code generated by "{{ page | tags }}" is updated to remove the HTML extension i will have to keep permalink set to /:year/:month/:day/:title and be content with an HTML extension on the tag pages (but no other page).
actually i just fixed it by modifying line 86 in your tagging.rb file. simply removed the .html, so the line now looks like:
OMG, just found out another "glitch". if i switch to permalink: pretty and remove the .html extension in your plugin things are mostly good. however, that changes the post url to include tags so /year/month/date/title becomes /tags/year/month/date/title which means all my post cross references break, which would take too long to fix. ick.
i guess i'm living with the defaults for now. until i figure out how to keep the permalink set to /year/month/date/title (no extension) and make tags behave the same way.
i'm guessing i'd do this by changing the code below to generate a folder with tag name, then index.html (similar to the way archives work) so it would become: /tag/[tagname]/index.html so the url would not need to contain index.html
def new_tag_page(site, base, dir, tag, posts), base, dir, "#{tag}.html", {
'layout' => @tag_page_layout,
'posts' => posts,
this works, but i'm sure any ruby developer would be appalled by line 59...
require 'nuggets/range/quantile' require 'erb'
module Jekyll
class Tagger < Generator
safe true
def generate(site)
@tag_page_dir = site.config['tag_page_dir'] || DEFAULT_TAG_PAGE_DIR
@tag_page_layout = site.config['tag_page_layout']
generate_tag_pages(site) if @tag_page_layout
site.config.update({ 'tag_data' => calculate_tag_cloud(site) })
# Generates a page per tag and adds them to all the pages of +site+.
# A <tt>tag_page_layout</tt> have to be defined in your <tt>_config.yml</tt>
# to use this.
def generate_tag_pages(site)
site.tags.each { |tag, posts|
site.pages << new_tag_page(site, site.source, @tag_page_dir, tag, posts.sort.reverse)
def new_tag_page(site, base, dir, tag, posts), base, dir + '/' + tag, "index.html", {
'layout' => @tag_page_layout,
'posts' => posts,
# Calculates the css class of every tag for a tag cloud. The possible
# classes are: set-1..set-5.
# [[<TAG>, <CLASS>], ...]
def calculate_tag_cloud(site, num = 5)
tags = { |tag, posts| [tag, posts.size] }.sort
range = { |_, size| size }.max unless tags.empty? { |tag, size| [tag, range.quantile(size, num)] }
class TagPage < Page
def initialize(site, base, dir, name, data = {})
self.content = data.delete('content') || '' = data
dir = dir[-1, 1] == '/' ? dir : '/' + dir
super(site, base, dir, name)['tag'] = dir[5,30]
def read_yaml(_, __)
# Do nothing
module Filters
def tag_cloud(site)
dir = site['tag_page_dir']
site['tag_data'].map { |tag, set|
tag_link(tag, tag_url(tag, dir), { :class => "set-#{set}" })
}.join(' ')
def tag_link(tag, url = tag_url(tag), html_opts = nil)
unless html_opts.nil?
html_opts = ' ' + { |k, v| %Q{#{k}="#{v}"} }.join(' ')
%Q{<a href="#{url}"#{html_opts}>#{tag}</a>}
def tag_url(tag, dir = Tagger::DEFAULT_TAG_PAGE_DIR)
def tags(obj)
tags = obj['tags'][0].is_a?(Array) ? obj['tags'].map{ |t| t[0]} : obj['tags'] { |t| tag_link(t, tag_url(t)) if t.is_a?(String) }.compact.join(', ')
o_O That's a lot of stuff. Like i said, it's on my list. But, of course you are welcome to fork the repository and make your changes.
Ok, i just pushed a new version of the plugin, which should solve the problem.
URLs for tag pages should be pretty but only if there is permalink pretty
defined in the config file. Other definitions should have no effect, like jekyll handles this stuff.
I could not reproduce the broken post link problem. Maybe there was little relative-url-foobar?
I hope, this solution fits your needs. If you have any more issues, please post. :)
so i finally got a chance to test out your update. now the tagging works like i want, but i'm not a fan how archiving works...maybe it is a "feature" of jekyll. instead of a blog post having a url like:
it now looks like:
Looks like this is a behavior of permalink: pretty. Doh. Definitely not a fan. If I get time I'll look at your updated code and see if I can update any of my "hacks" with your code. The edits I made gave me both the tag folders (like your latest update provided) but also kept my post URLs without the tag details.
Thanks so much for your efforts! If I knew Ruby better I'd give you code, but I'm just a hack. :)
I'm not a ruby expert otherwise I'm sure I could easily do this myself. How hard would it be to make the following changes:
Sorry if these are dumb requests...I'm a newbie. ;)