pattex / jekyll-tagging

Jekyll plugin to automatically generate a tag cloud and tag pages.
385 stars 76 forks source link

Not working on Github #29

Closed dblock closed 9 years ago

dblock commented 9 years ago

I am probably doing something wrong, this plugin worked with Jekyll 2.5 locally for me, but is failing on Github. Doesn't generate anything in tag/*.

If I add jekyll-tagging to gems I get " `require': cannot load such file -- jekyll-tagging", this makes sense since that doesn't exist and should be jekyll/tagging. We can fix this here if that's the right thing to do.

However just copying jekyll/tagging.rg into _plugins works locally, but doesn't do anything on Github.

What's the right way to set this up?

My code:

pattex commented 9 years ago

As far as I know, Github Pages doesn't support custom plugins.

dblock commented 9 years ago

Thanks, I figured that later ;(