pattex / jekyll-tagging

Jekyll plugin to automatically generate a tag cloud and tag pages.
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Remove accents from slugs #34

Closed nhoizey closed 9 years ago

nhoizey commented 9 years ago

I have a tag that is the french word « vidéo ». It is kept as is for the tag page, so I have a tags/vidéo.html file.

When I deploy it, there are issues.

The link in the tags cloud is /tags/vid%C3%A9o.html, the browser —I use Firefox on a Mac— shows /tags/vidéo.html in the URL bar, but the server answers with a 404 error, The requested URL /tags/vidéo.html was not found on this server.

It would be very nice if the plugin could let me use the « vidéo » tag in my posts, but generate a tags/video.html page, without the accent.

nhoizey commented 9 years ago

I fixed the issue with the encoding, adding --iconv=UTF8-MAC,UTF-8 to my rsync command.

But I really would like to be able to have slugs without accents.

pattex commented 9 years ago

Done. You may want to check if it works out for you, too.

nhoizey commented 9 years ago

It works, thanks a lot!