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Improve maybeClickable Modifier #174

Closed BapNesS closed 3 months ago

BapNesS commented 1 year ago

It's a bit painful to go to session detail screen due to AgendaRow clickability.

I made a small improvement over the maybeClickable function. It doesn't impact bookmark button.

martinbonnin commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the delay reviewing this.

The reason this was made like this is because of (ping @Smoochibi). tldr; making the whole ListItem clickable is making it more risky to click the bookmark button (because a small tap just outside the button opens a new screen). I'm not sure what a good fix for this is. We discussed quickly making the "left" part of the ListItem clickable. Or maybe we need to increase padding on the bookmark button (but then this changes the layout on longuer titles). Ideas welcome!

martinbonnin commented 3 months ago

I'm going to close this one as much has changed since last year. But we are working hard on the new version, feel free to reopen and we can discuss for this year.