paug / AndroidMakersApp

📱Official companion app for Android Makers by droidcon 🇫🇷
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chore(182): Started to plug the iOS business logic on the KMP module #183

Closed enthuan closed 4 months ago

enthuan commented 4 months ago

OK, this is a big PR again, sorry for that :(

I set up and plugged the KMP module on iOS 🥳

And the good news is that it works fine! BUT I had to do some dirty hacks that will hopefully be temporary. The biggest one is that Swift can't handle the Kotlin Result class; so I had to add a dependency on a wrapper to be able to use the results without breaking everything. You will notice I commented the .recover methods as the wrapper doesn't implement it.

Some constants were extracted from the shared module to be able to customize them depending on the platform, but I'm not sure it will remain like that, because I liked the fact that the app module doesn't know the URLs of the service for example.

I also noticed differences between Android and iOS, specifically on the Firebase authentication part. iOS doesn't use any token for the moment. Should we add this feature?

The Partner classes were also merged between Android and iOS (on Android the PartnerGroup was a Partner and the Partner was a Logo ; I just renamed the classes to match the iOS names)

enthuan commented 4 months ago

Sounds like a good candidate for SKIE

Oh yeah, thank you for the idea, I upvoted the discussion on their GitHub

Do you mean iOS doesn't have Google signin? We could add it but TBH the GCP setup is a pain. It's great if we can add it but I would probably leave it out for the moment. Plus we're taking the risk of Apple asking for Apple signin, etc...

Yes I only see references to crashlytics on iOS (and I even don't have the Google-Service.json for the iOS application). The GraphQL interceptor only add the header for the "conference" and not any Authorization.

I don't really know on Android how GraphQL manages the bookmarks with this token 🤷‍♂️ Do you have a base with all the users token and their bookmarks ?

martinbonnin commented 4 months ago

Oh yeah, thank you for the idea, I upvoted the discussion on their GitHub

Nice! Do you have the link to the discussion? I'll upvote too.

I don't really know on Android how GraphQL manages the bookmarks with this token 🤷‍♂️ Do you have a base with all the users token and their bookmarks ?

Exactly! It's in google Datastore. The corresponding code is here

enthuan commented 4 months ago

Nice! Do you have the link to the discussion? I'll upvote too. It's related to inline classes such as Result.