paug / AndroidMakersApp

📱Official companion app for Android Makers by droidcon 🇫🇷
118 stars 27 forks source link

feature(195): Add new screens on iOS #198

Closed enthuan closed 3 months ago

enthuan commented 3 months ago

Here they are!

Added SpeakerList screen and sponsor screen. I also modified the "about" screen to match the Android one.

Things to note:

enthuan commented 3 months ago

All good here 🥳

Venue, Speakers, About and Sponsors are now in Compose MP.

🔥 Supports ViewModels 🔥 Hybrid mode between Android Compose & Jetbrains Compose / SwiftUI & Jetbrains Compose Still need to add navigation but it's going in the right direction.

I won't be able to work on it until Monday so feel free to merge if needed.