paug / AndroidMakersApp

📱Official companion app for Android Makers by droidcon 🇫🇷
118 stars 27 forks source link

Release checklist #248

Open martinbonnin opened 2 months ago

martinbonnin commented 2 months ago

Umbrella issue for the high level stuff to keep track of:

enthuan commented 2 months ago

I have experimented things for the deeplinks. The problem is that I can't find the web anchor for a specific session. It works on an arbitrary URL such as "" but these URLs don't exist :'(

martinbonnin commented 2 months ago

@enthuan yea, that's a pita... One solution I can offer is to redirect to the home page of the web does not support a given url scheme. For this, we'd have to use as a domain:

Not great. But I think that'd work nicely for people with the app installed.