paug / AndroidMakersApp

📱Official companion app for Android Makers by droidcon 🇫🇷
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App crashes on iOS when using VoiceOver to search speakers #274

Open sebj opened 2 months ago

sebj commented 2 months ago

The app consistently crashes on iOS when trying to navigate to speakers search results while the VoiceOver accessibility option is enabled.

App version 4.1 (1465), iOS 17.4.1

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Navigate to Speakers tab
  2. Enable VoiceOver (if it isn't already running)
  3. Focus the search field
  4. Enter any keyboard character, like 'a'
  5. Drag to move the VoiceOver focus upward from the keyboard letters to the search results (in the screen recording, I move upwards a → g → suggestions bar → then a crash when moving upward from that)
  6. Observe the app crashes

Screen recording: