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[WearOS] Watch vibrates on every scroll #280

Open djavan-bertrand opened 2 months ago

djavan-bertrand commented 2 months ago

The app vibrates every time the crown is used to scroll in the agenda, this is a bit annoying.

BoD commented 2 months ago

I'm pretty sure this is the standard behavior in all lists. Doesn't it also happen in other lists on your watch?

djavan-bertrand commented 1 month ago

Nope it's not. I use Spotify and other external apps and it's not the behavior. With the Android Makers app, each time the list scrolls a few pixel with the crown, there is a vibration.

BoD commented 1 month ago

What is your watch model, and can I have one please? 😂

Just kidding - honestly I don't know, on my Pixel Watch, this happens in all apps, including system menus (even the notifications). I've used the standard Compose components without any customization, so I'm thinking this is expected. But would be interested to dig, this is intriguing.