paukstelis / octoprint_deploy

Bash script for rapid deployment of multiple octoprint instance on a single machine
MIT License
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Problem wiht Add New instance #29

Closed fabiomaticus closed 1 year ago

fabiomaticus commented 1 year ago

I want to add a new instance. I run the command sudo octoprint_deploy / I click on "Add Instance", but it repeats the question over and over again. Immagine 2022-07-25 165119

paukstelis commented 1 year ago

This is because your octoprint_deploy version is newer than the version used to do the system prepare. The solution is to make a file called octoprint_deploy in /etc that contains the necessary information.

The contents should look like this:

type: linux/octopi
streamer: ustreamer/mjpg-streamer
haproxy: true/false

where you select the correct option for each line

fabiomaticus commented 1 year ago

can you help me? I don't know what to do!

paukstelis commented 1 year ago

Yes, I can try. First, are you using linux (ubuntu, etc.) or octopi?

fabiomaticus commented 1 year ago


paukstelis commented 1 year ago

OK, then do the following from an ssh/putty session on the RPi: sudo nano /etc/octoprint_deploy Then paste the following:

type: octopi
streamer: mjpg-streamer
haproxy: true

then Ctrl+X to save the file.

fabiomaticus commented 1 year ago

Now? Immagine 2022-07-25 174453

paukstelis commented 1 year ago

Yes. That is correct (press enter).

fabiomaticus commented 1 year ago

Now, sudo octoprint_deploy /

paukstelis commented 1 year ago


fabiomaticus commented 1 year ago

^I have this problem Immagine 2022-07-25 180635

paukstelis commented 1 year ago

That is also an issue from preparing the system with an older version.

sudo apt install uuid-runtime in the terminal should fix.

You could remove the instance and reinstall it if you want to, but it will likely work without issue (unless you use home assistant or or something that requires unique ids).

fabiomaticus commented 1 year ago

Many thanks. It works perfectly without sending new commands. I offer you a coffee. Many thanks again.