paukstelis / octoprint_deploy

Bash script for rapid deployment of multiple octoprint instance on a single machine
MIT License
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[Debian] Cameras at the wrong port #87

Closed Yippiehh closed 1 year ago

Yippiehh commented 1 year ago


I have two printers running on Debian with octoprint_deploy (ustreamer, no haproxy) without any problems (with the printers).

I have installed the printers on port 5001 and 5002. The associated webcams on 7001 and 7002.

When I open the two printers via OctoPrint in the browser everything is correct and works perfectly.

But on both instances of the cameras are assigned to "http://OctoPrint.local:7003?action=stream".

So I always see only the image of one camera.

If I manually switch to 7001 or 7002, no video appears on OctoPrint. Is this a bug?

paukstelis commented 1 year ago

Provide output from the following commands: cat /etc/systemd/system/cam_instancename1.service cat /etc/systemd/system/cam_instancename2.sevice

where instancename is replaced by the name of your instance.

Yippiehh commented 1 year ago


Port 7001: (cat /etc/systemd/system/cam_Mega.service) [Unit] Description=the OctoPi(buntu) ustreamer daemon with the user specified config

[Service] User=pi ExecStart=/home/pi/ustreamer/ustreamer -d /dev/cam_Mega -s -m MJPEG -r 640x480 -f 5 -p 7002 --device-timeout 8 --device-error-delay 8


Port 7002: cat /etc/systemd/system/cam_Vyper.service [Unit] Description=the OctoPi(buntu) ustreamer daemon with the user specified config

[Service] User=pi ExecStart=/home/pi/ustreamer/ustreamer -d /dev/cam_Vyper -s -m MJPEG -r 640x480 -f 5 -p 7003 --device-timeout 8 --device-error-delay 8


Both Ports are one number higher then expected (and used in installation).

But ….

…. after a clean Debian reinstall and octoprint_deply install, I installed the cams on 7000 and 7001 and now they are correct in both *.service files with 7001 and 7002.

And the best: http://OctoPrint.local:7001?action=stream http://octoprint.local:7001/?action=stream and http://OctoPrint.local:7002?action=stream http://octoprint.local:7002/?action=stream are running with the correct cameras! :-)

So the problem with two ports showing the same camera must be my failure, but the increased number is a failure of octoprint_deploy. Correct?

paukstelis commented 1 year ago

I'll have to look closer. It isn't an issue I have seen before, but forcing ports to be greater than 7000 is a feature I added fairly recently.

paukstelis commented 1 year ago

yeah, this was just poor planning on my part. I will be fixing the issue shortly.

paukstelis commented 1 year ago
