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EA is growing in deceptive ways #7

Open paul-crowe opened 1 year ago

paul-crowe commented 1 year ago

Example: Covert use of CRMs for CB

Summary: CBs have been known to store information on new members in CRMs. A bigger issue, however, is that they didn't see anything amiss with doing it: "This point bears repeating because as far as I can tell a lot of community builders just don’t think this is weird. [...] They are surprised that somebody interested in EA might be unhappy to discover that the committee members have been recording the details of their conversation in a CRM without asking." CBs with better social skills needed.

Date: 12th May 2022


Lag to response:

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Public responses:

paul-crowe commented 1 year ago

Example: Cause Area Bait And Switch

Summary: New people are lured into EA by talk of solving global poverty, then find out EA is actually all about AI safety and animal welfare, making them disillusioned.

Date: 8th Jul 2017


Lag to response:

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Public responses:

paul-crowe commented 1 year ago

Example: EA targetting easy marks, ignoring criticism, being disingenuous

Summary: Post recieved suffient pushback for the author to write a followup, retracting certain claims and qualifying others Claims which remain:

Date: 11th Jan 2017


Lag to response:

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Prior status of critic:

Fundamental criticism:

Public responses: Mandating the GWWC pledge is obviously a bad idea, as it plays right into "cult" accusations. What are you going to do with oathbreakers? Oust them from the community? Ban them from ever giving to an EA cause ever again?