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EA is growing in ways that degrade it #8

Open paul-crowe opened 1 year ago

paul-crowe commented 1 year ago

Example: EA might be attracting grifters

Summary: As EA grows and more money starts being tossed around, the self-interested .

Date: 14th May 2022


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paul-crowe commented 1 year ago

Example: EA has probably passed the peak of trust and is now spending it down

Summary: Before EA became insanely rich, people were there because they cared about the cause. These days, who can be sure?

Date: 28th May 2022


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paul-crowe commented 1 year ago

Example: EA lacks community quality controls

Summary: "There are also really strong founder effects in regional EA groups. That is, locals of one area generally seem to converge on one or two causes or approaches being best. Moreover, they often converge not because they moved there to be with those people, but because they 'became' EAs there."

People being loyal to arbitrary things, like geography

Date: 8th Feb 2017


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paul-crowe commented 1 year ago

Example: Well-kept gardens die by pacifism

Summary: 'Eternal September': The idea that a community will permit people who lower the tone and quality of an online community to remain for fear of invoking accusations of censorship. This creates a 'five monkeys' effect after a while, where the standards of the group shift toward the low-quality as the people with higher standards abandon the online space.

Date: 21st Apr 2009


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paul-crowe commented 1 year ago

Example: Goodharting on pledges, Highly Committed

Summary: “is referring to the supposed EA tendency to push specifically for people signing the Giving What We Can pledge, or becoming Highly Engaged EAs, which are fairly legible metrics. So, for instance, I am of the opinion that community builders optimising for creating as many HEAs as possible has in fact caused them to select out certain kinds of valuable people, for instance those with unusually good epistemic standards.”

The drive to get pledges and HEAs is turning away people who might be valuable to the cause.



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Public responses: GWWC pledge data

paul-crowe commented 1 year ago

Example: Outreach treats people like malfunctioning utilitarian robots

Summary: “the idea that EAs can be created through rationality training alone should be viewed with skepticism"

The hyper-analytical types of EA are overlooking the role that appealing to emotion plays in gaining support charitable causes. A combination of approaches is needed to prevent counterproductive outreach.

Date: 26th Dec 2015


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