paul-english / predictive_imputer

Predictive imputation of missing values with sklearn interface. This is a simple implementation of the idea presented in the MissForest R package.
MIT License
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Update pip to 20.0.1 #321

Closed pyup-bot closed 4 years ago

pyup-bot commented 4 years ago

This PR updates pip from 18.1 to 20.0.1.

Changelog ### 20.0.1 ``` =================== Bug Fixes --------- - Rename an internal module, to avoid ImportErrors due to improper uninstallation. (`7621 <>`_) ``` ### 20.0 ``` ================= Process ------- - Switch to a dedicated CLI tool for vendoring dependencies. Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - Remove wheel tag calculation from pip and use ``packaging.tags``. This should provide more tags ordered better than in prior releases. (`6908 <>`_) - Deprecate builds that do not generate an ``.egg-info`` directory. (`6998 <>`_) - The pip>=20 wheel cache is not retro-compatible with previous versions. Until pip 21.0, pip will continue to take advantage of existing legacy cache entries. (`7296 <>`_) - Deprecate undocumented ``--skip-requirements-regex`` option. (`7297 <>`_) - Deprecate passing install-location-related options via ``--install-option``. (`7309 <>`_) - Use literal "abi3" for wheel tag on CPython 3.x, to align with PEP 384 which only defines it for this platform. (`7327 <>`_) - Remove interpreter-specific major version tag e.g. ``cp3-none-any`` from consideration. This behavior was not documented strictly, and this tag in particular is `not useful <>`_. Anyone with a use case can create an issue with pypa/packaging. (`7355 <>`_) - Wheel processing no longer permits wheels containing more than one top-level .dist-info directory. (`7487 <>`_) - Support for the ``git+git`` form of VCS requirement is being deprecated and will be removed in pip 21.0. Switch to ``git+https://`` or ``git+ssh://``. ``git+git://`` also works but its use is discouraged as it is insecure. (`7543 <>`_) Features -------- - Default to doing a user install (as if ``--user`` was passed) when the main site-packages directory is not writeable and user site-packages are enabled. (`1668 <>`_) - Warn if a path in PATH starts with tilde during ``pip install``. (`6414 <>`_) - Cache wheels built from Git requirements that are considered immutable, because they point to a commit hash. (`6640 <>`_) - Add option ``--no-python-version-warning`` to silence warnings related to deprecation of Python versions. (`6673 <>`_) - Cache wheels that ``pip wheel`` built locally, matching what ``pip install`` does. This particularly helps performance in workflows where ``pip wheel`` is used for `building before installing <>`_. Users desiring the original behavior can use ``pip wheel --no-cache-dir``. (`6852 <>`_) - Display CA information in ``pip debug``. (`7146 <>`_) - Show only the filename (instead of full URL), when downloading from PyPI. (`7225 <>`_) - Suggest a more robust command to upgrade pip itself to avoid confusion when the current pip command is not available as ``pip``. (`7376 <>`_) - Define all old pip console script entrypoints to prevent import issues in stale wrapper scripts. (`7498 <>`_) - The build step of ``pip wheel`` now builds all wheels to a cache first, then copies them to the wheel directory all at once. Before, it built them to a temporary direcory and moved them to the wheel directory one by one. (`7517 <>`_) - Expand ``~`` prefix to user directory in path options, configs, and environment variables. Values that may be either URL or path are not currently supported, to avoid ambiguity: * ``--find-links`` * ``--constraint``, ``-c`` * ``--requirement``, ``-r`` * ``--editable``, ``-e`` (`980 <>`_) Bug Fixes --------- - Correctly handle system site-packages, in virtual environments created with venv (PEP 405). (`5702 <>`_, `7155 <>`_) - Fix case sensitive comparison of pip freeze when used with -r option. (`5716 <>`_) - Enforce PEP 508 requirement format in ``pyproject.toml`` ``build-system.requires``. (`6410 <>`_) - Make ``ensure_dir()`` also ignore ``ENOTEMPTY`` as seen on Windows. (`6426 <>`_) - Fix building packages which specify ``backend-path`` in pyproject.toml. (`6599 <>`_) - Do not attempt to run `` clean`` after a ``pep517`` build error, since a ```` may not exist in that case. (`6642 <>`_) - Fix passwords being visible in the index-url in "Downloading <url>" message. (`6783 <>`_) - Change method from shutil.remove to shutil.rmtree in (`7191 <>`_) - Skip running tests which require subversion, when svn isn't installed (`7193 <>`_) - Fix not sending client certificates when using ``--trusted-host``. (`7207 <>`_) - Make sure ``pip wheel`` never outputs pure python wheels with a python implementation tag. Better fix/workaround for `3025 <>`_ by using a per-implementation wheel cache instead of caching pure python wheels with an implementation tag in their name. (`7296 <>`_) - Include ``subdirectory`` URL fragments in cache keys. (`7333 <>`_) - Fix typo in warning message when any of ``--build-option``, ``--global-option`` and ``--install-option`` is used in requirements.txt (`7340 <>`_) - Fix the logging of cached HTTP response shown as downloading. (`7393 <>`_) - Effectively disable the wheel cache when it is not writable, as is the case with the http cache. (`7488 <>`_) - Correctly handle relative cache directory provided via --cache-dir. (`7541 <>`_) Vendored Libraries ------------------ - Upgrade CacheControl to 0.12.5 - Upgrade certifi to 2019.9.11 - Upgrade colorama to 0.4.1 - Upgrade distlib to 0.2.9.post0 - Upgrade ipaddress to 1.0.22 - Update packaging to 20.0. - Upgrade pkg_resources (via setuptools) to 44.0.0 - Upgrade pyparsing to 2.4.2 - Upgrade six to 1.12.0 - Upgrade urllib3 to 1.25.6 Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Document that "coding: utf-8" is supported in requirements.txt (`7182 <>`_) - Explain how to get pip's source code in `Getting Started <>`_ (`7197 <>`_) - Describe how basic authentication credentials in URLs work. (`7201 <>`_) - Add more clear installation instructions (`7222 <>`_) - Fix documentation links for index options (`7347 <>`_) - Better document the requirements file format (`7385 <>`_) ``` ### 19.3.1 ``` =================== Features -------- - Document Python 3.8 support. (`7219 <>`_) Bug Fixes --------- - Fix bug that prevented installation of PEP 517 packages without ````. (`6606 <>`_) ``` ### 19.3 ``` ================= Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - Remove undocumented support for un-prefixed URL requirements pointing to SVN repositories. Users relying on this can get the original behavior by prefixing their URL with ``svn+`` (which is backwards-compatible). (`7037 <>`_) - Remove the deprecated ``--venv`` option from ``pip config``. (`7163 <>`_) Features -------- - Print a better error message when ``--no-binary`` or ``--only-binary`` is given an argument starting with ``-``. (`3191 <>`_) - Make ``pip show`` warn about packages not found. (`6858 <>`_) - Support including a port number in ``--trusted-host`` for both HTTP and HTTPS. (`6886 <>`_) - Redact single-part login credentials from URLs in log messages. (`6891 <>`_) - Implement manylinux2014 platform tag support. manylinux2014 is the successor to manylinux2010. It allows carefully compiled binary wheels to be installed on compatible Linux platforms. The manylinux2014 platform tag definition can be found in `PEP599 <>`_. (`7102 <>`_) Bug Fixes --------- - Abort installation if any archive contains a file which would be placed outside the extraction location. (`3907 <>`_) - pip's CLI completion code no longer prints a Traceback if it is interrupted. (`3942 <>`_) - Correct inconsistency related to the ``hg+file`` scheme. (`4358 <>`_) - Fix ``rmtree_errorhandler`` to skip non-existing directories. (`4910 <>`_) - Ignore errors copying socket files for local source installs (in Python 3). (`5306 <>`_) - Fix requirement line parser to correctly handle PEP 440 requirements with a URL pointing to an archive file. (`6202 <>`_) - The ``pip-wheel-metadata`` directory does not need to persist between invocations of pip, use a temporary directory instead of the current ```` directory. (`6213 <>`_) - Fix ``--trusted-host`` processing under HTTPS to trust any port number used with the host. (`6705 <>`_) - Switch to new ``distlib`` wheel script template. This should be functionally equivalent for end users. (`6763 <>`_) - Skip copying .tox and .nox directories to temporary build directories (`6770 <>`_) - Fix handling of tokens (single part credentials) in URLs. (`6795 <>`_) - Fix a regression that caused ``~`` expansion not to occur in ``--find-links`` paths. (`6804 <>`_) - Fix bypassed pip upgrade warning on Windows. (`6841 <>`_) - Fix 'm' flag erroneously being appended to ABI tag in Python 3.8 on platforms that do not provide SOABI (`6885 <>`_) - Hide security-sensitive strings like passwords in log messages related to version control system (aka VCS) command invocations. (`6890 <>`_) - Correctly uninstall symlinks that were installed in a virtualenv, by tools such as ``flit install --symlink``. (`6892 <>`_) - Don't fail installation using pip.exe on Windows when pip wouldn't be upgraded. (`6924 <>`_) - Use canonical distribution names when computing ``Required-By`` in ``pip show``. (`6947 <>`_) - Don't use hardlinks for locking selfcheck state file. (`6954 <>`_) - Ignore "require_virtualenv" in ``pip config`` (`6991 <>`_) - Fix ``pip freeze`` not showing correct entry for mercurial packages that use subdirectories. (`7071 <>`_) - Fix a crash when ``sys.stdin`` is set to ``None``, such as on AWS Lambda. (`7118 <>`_, `7119 <>`_) Vendored Libraries ------------------ - Upgrade certifi to 2019.9.11 - Add contextlib2 0.6.0 as a vendored dependency. - Remove Lockfile as a vendored dependency. - Upgrade msgpack to 0.6.2 - Upgrade packaging to 19.2 - Upgrade pep517 to 0.7.0 - Upgrade pyparsing to 2.4.2 - Upgrade pytoml to 0.1.21 - Upgrade setuptools to 41.4.0 - Upgrade urllib3 to 1.25.6 Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Document caveats for UNC paths in uninstall and add .pth unit tests. (`6516 <>`_) - Add architectural overview documentation. (`6637 <>`_) - Document that ``--ignore-installed`` is dangerous. (`6794 <>`_) ``` ### 19.2.3 ``` =================== Bug Fixes --------- - Fix 'm' flag erroneously being appended to ABI tag in Python 3.8 on platforms that do not provide SOABI (`6885 <>`_) ``` ### 19.2.2 ``` =================== Bug Fixes --------- - Fix handling of tokens (single part credentials) in URLs. (`6795 <>`_) - Fix a regression that caused ``~`` expansion not to occur in ``--find-links`` paths. (`6804 <>`_) ``` ### 19.2.1 ``` =================== Bug Fixes --------- - Fix a ``NoneType`` ``AttributeError`` when evaluating hashes and no hashes are provided. (`6772 <>`_) ``` ### 19.2 ``` ================= Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - Drop support for EOL Python 3.4. (`6685 <>`_) - Improve deprecation messages to include the version in which the functionality will be removed. (`6549 <>`_) Features -------- - Credentials will now be loaded using `keyring` when installed. (`5948 <>`_) - Fully support using ``--trusted-host`` inside requirements files. (`3799 <>`_) - Update timestamps in pip's ``--log`` file to include milliseconds. (`6587 <>`_) - Respect whether a file has been marked as "yanked" from a simple repository (see `PEP 592 <>`__ for details). (`6633 <>`_) - When choosing candidates to install, prefer candidates with a hash matching one of the user-provided hashes. (`5874 <>`_) - Improve the error message when ``METADATA`` or ``PKG-INFO`` is None when accessing metadata. (`5082 <>`_) - Add a new command ``pip debug`` that can display e.g. the list of compatible tags for the current Python. (`6638 <>`_) - Display hint on installing with --pre when search results include pre-release versions. (`5169 <>`_) - Report to Warehouse that pip is running under CI if the ``PIP_IS_CI`` environment variable is set. (`5499 <>`_) - Allow ``--python-version`` to be passed as a dotted version string (e.g. ``3.7`` or ``3.7.3``). (`6585 <>`_) - Log the final filename and SHA256 of a ``.whl`` file when done building a wheel. (`5908 <>`_) - Include the wheel's tags in the log message explanation when a candidate wheel link is found incompatible. (`6121 <>`_) - Add a ``--path`` argument to ``pip freeze`` to support ``--target`` installations. (`6404 <>`_) - Add a ``--path`` argument to ``pip list`` to support ``--target`` installations. (`6551 <>`_) Bug Fixes --------- - Set ``sys.argv[0]`` to the underlying ```` when invoking ```` via the setuptools shim so setuptools doesn't think the path is ``-c``. (`1890 <>`_) - Update ``pip download`` to respect the given ``--python-version`` when checking ``"Requires-Python"``. (`5369 <>`_) - Respect ``--global-option`` and ``--install-option`` when installing from a version control url (e.g. ``git``). (`5518 <>`_) - Make the "ascii" progress bar really be "ascii" and not Unicode. (`5671 <>`_) - Fail elegantly when trying to set an incorrectly formatted key in config. (`5963 <>`_) - Prevent DistutilsOptionError when prefix is indicated in the global environment and `--target` is used. (`6008 <>`_) - Fix ``pip install`` to respect ``--ignore-requires-python`` when evaluating links. (`6371 <>`_) - Fix a debug log message when freezing an editable, non-version controlled requirement. (`6383 <>`_) - Extend to Subversion 1.8+ the behavior of calling Subversion in interactive mode when pip is run interactively. (`6386 <>`_) - Prevent ``pip install <url>`` from permitting directory traversal if e.g. a malicious server sends a ``Content-Disposition`` header with a filename containing ``../`` or ``..\\``. (`6413 <>`_) - Hide passwords in output when using ``--find-links``. (`6489 <>`_) - Include more details in the log message if ``pip freeze`` can't generate a requirement string for a particular distribution. (`6513 <>`_) - Add the line number and file location to the error message when reading an invalid requirements file in certain situations. (`6527 <>`_) - Prefer ``os.confstr`` to ``ctypes`` when extracting glibc version info. (`6543 <>`_, `6675 <>`_) - Improve error message printed when an invalid editable requirement is provided. (`6648 <>`_) - Improve error message formatting when a command errors out in a subprocess. (`6651 <>`_) Vendored Libraries ------------------ - Upgrade certifi to 2019.6.16 - Upgrade distlib to 0.2.9.post0 - Upgrade msgpack to 0.6.1 - Upgrade requests to 2.22.0 - Upgrade urllib3 to 1.25.3 - Patch vendored html5lib, to prefer using `` where possible. Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Document how Python 2.7 support will be maintained. (`6726 <>`_) - Upgrade Sphinx version used to build documentation. (`6471 <>`_) - Fix generation of subcommand manpages. (`6724 <>`_) - Mention that pip can install from git refs. (`6512 <>`_) - Replace a failing example of pip installs with extras with a working one. (`4733 <>`_) ``` ### 19.1.1 ``` =================== Features -------- - Restore ``pyproject.toml`` handling to how it was with pip 19.0.3 to prevent the need to add ``--no-use-pep517`` when installing in editable mode. (`6434 <>`_) Bug Fixes --------- - Fix a regression that caused `` to be quoted in pypiserver links. This interfered with parsing the revision string from VCS urls. (`6440 <>`_) ``` ### 19.1 ``` ================= Features -------- - Configuration files may now also be stored under ``sys.prefix`` (`5060 <>`_) - Avoid creating an unnecessary local clone of a Bazaar branch when exporting. (`5443 <>`_) - Include in pip's User-Agent string whether it looks like pip is running under CI. (`5499 <>`_) - A custom (JSON-encoded) string can now be added to pip's User-Agent using the ``PIP_USER_AGENT_USER_DATA`` environment variable. (`5549 <>`_) - For consistency, passing ``--no-cache-dir`` no longer affects whether wheels will be built. In this case, a temporary directory is used. (`5749 <>`_) - Command arguments in ``subprocess`` log messages are now quoted using ``shlex.quote()``. (`6290 <>`_) - Prefix warning and error messages in log output with `WARNING` and `ERROR`. (`6298 <>`_) - Using ``--build-options`` in a PEP 517 build now fails with an error, rather than silently ignoring the option. (`6305 <>`_) - Error out with an informative message if one tries to install a ``pyproject.toml``-style (PEP 517) source tree using ``--editable`` mode. (`6314 <>`_) - When downloading a package, the ETA and average speed now only update once per second for better legibility. (`6319 <>`_) Bug Fixes --------- - The stdout and stderr from VCS commands run by pip as subprocesses (e.g. ``git``, ``hg``, etc.) no longer pollute pip's stdout. (`1219 <>`_) - Fix handling of requests exceptions when dependencies are debundled. (`4195 <>`_) - Make pip's self version check avoid recommending upgrades to prereleases if the currently-installed version is stable. (`5175 <>`_) - Fixed crash when installing a requirement from a URL that comes from a dependency without a URL. (`5889 <>`_) - Improve handling of file URIs: correctly handle `file://localhost/...` and don't try to use UNC paths on Unix. (`5892 <>`_) - Fix ``utils.encoding.auto_decode()`` ``LookupError`` with invalid encodings. ``utils.encoding.auto_decode()`` was broken when decoding Big Endian BOM byte-strings on Little Endian or vice versa. (`6054 <>`_) - Fix incorrect URL quoting of IPv6 addresses. (`6285 <>`_) - Redact the password from the extra index URL when using ``pip -v``. (`6295 <>`_) - The spinner no longer displays a completion message after subprocess calls not needing a spinner. It also no longer incorrectly reports an error after certain subprocess calls to Git that succeeded. (`6312 <>`_) - Fix the handling of editable mode during installs when ``pyproject.toml`` is present but PEP 517 doesn't require the source tree to be treated as ``pyproject.toml``-style. (`6370 <>`_) - Fix ``NameError`` when handling an invalid requirement. (`6419 <>`_) Vendored Libraries ------------------ - Updated certifi to 2019.3.9 - Updated distro to 1.4.0 - Update progress to 1.5 - Updated pyparsing to 2.4.0 - Updated pkg_resources to 41.0.1 (via setuptools) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Make dashes render correctly when displaying long options like ``--find-links`` in the text. (`6422 <>`_) ``` ### 19.0.3 ``` =================== Bug Fixes --------- - Fix an ``IndexError`` crash when a legacy build of a wheel fails. (`6252 <>`_) - Fix a regression introduced in 19.0.2 where the filename in a RECORD file of an installed file would not be updated when installing a wheel. (`6266 <>`_) ``` ### 19.0.2 ``` =================== Bug Fixes --------- - Fix a crash where PEP 517-based builds using ``--no-cache-dir`` would fail in some circumstances with an ``AssertionError`` due to not finalizing a build directory internally. (`6197 <>`_) - Provide a better error message if attempting an editable install of a directory with a ``pyproject.toml`` but no ````. (`6170 <>`_) - The implicit default backend used for projects that provide a ``pyproject.toml`` file without explicitly specifying ``build-backend`` now behaves more like direct execution of ````, and hence should restore compatibility with projects that were unable to be installed with ``pip`` 19.0. This raised the minimum required version of ``setuptools`` for such builds to 40.8.0. (`6163 <>`_) - Allow ``RECORD`` lines with more than three elements, and display a warning. (`6165 <>`_) - ``AdjacentTempDirectory`` fails on unwritable directory instead of locking up the uninstall command. (`6169 <>`_) - Make failed uninstalls roll back more reliably and better at avoiding naming conflicts. (`6194 <>`_) - Ensure the correct wheel file is copied when building PEP 517 distribution is built. (`6196 <>`_) - The Python 2 end of life warning now only shows on CPython, which is the implementation that has announced end of life plans. (`6207 <>`_) Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Re-write README and documentation index (`5815 <>`_) ``` ### 19.0.1 ``` =================== Bug Fixes --------- - Fix a crash when using --no-cache-dir with PEP 517 distributions (`6158 <>`_, `6171 <>`_) ``` ### 19.0 ``` ================= Deprecations and Removals ------------------------- - Deprecate support for Python 3.4 (`6106 <>`_) - Start printing a warning for Python 2.7 to warn of impending Python 2.7 End-of-life and prompt users to start migrating to Python 3. (`6148 <>`_) - Remove the deprecated ``--process-dependency-links`` option. (`6060 <>`_) - Remove the deprecated SVN editable detection based on dependency links during freeze. (`5866 <>`_) Features -------- - Implement PEP 517 (allow projects to specify a build backend via pyproject.toml). (`5743 <>`_) - Implement manylinux2010 platform tag support. manylinux2010 is the successor to manylinux1. It allows carefully compiled binary wheels to be installed on compatible Linux platforms. (`5008 <>`_) - Improve build isolation: handle ``.pth`` files, so namespace packages are correctly supported under Python 3.2 and earlier. (`5656 <>`_) - Include the package name in a freeze warning if the package is not installed. (`5943 <>`_) - Warn when dropping an ``--[extra-]index-url`` value that points to an existing local directory. (`5827 <>`_) - Prefix pip's ``--log`` file lines with their timestamp. (`6141 <>`_) Bug Fixes --------- - Avoid creating excessively long temporary paths when uninstalling packages. (`3055 <>`_) - Redact the password from the URL in various log messages. (`4746 <>`_, `6124 <>`_) - Avoid creating excessively long temporary paths when uninstalling packages. (`3055 <>`_) - Avoid printing a stack trace when given an invalid requirement. (`5147 <>`_) - Present 401 warning if username/password do not work for URL (`4833 <>`_) - Handle ``requests.exceptions.RetryError`` raised in ``PackageFinder`` that was causing pip to fail silently when some indexes were unreachable. (`5270 <>`_, `5483 <>`_) - Handle a broken stdout pipe more gracefully (e.g. when running ``pip list | head``). (`4170 <>`_) - Fix crash from setting ``PIP_NO_CACHE_DIR=yes``. (`5385 <>`_) - Fix crash from unparseable requirements when checking installed packages. (`5839 <>`_) - Fix content type detection if a directory named like an archive is used as a package source. (`5838 <>`_) - Fix listing of outdated packages that are not dependencies of installed packages in ``pip list --outdated --not-required`` (`5737 <>`_) - Fix sorting ``TypeError`` in ``move_wheel_files()`` when installing some packages. (`5868 <>`_) - Fix support for invoking pip using ``python src/pip ...``. (`5841 <>`_) - Greatly reduce memory usage when installing wheels containing large files. (`5848 <>`_) - Editable non-VCS installs now freeze as editable. (`5031 <>`_) - Editable Git installs without a remote now freeze as editable. (`4759 <>`_) - Canonicalize sdist file names so they can be matched to a canonicalized package name passed to ``pip install``. (`5870 <>`_) - Properly decode special characters in SVN URL credentials. (`5968 <>`_) - Make ``PIP_NO_CACHE_DIR`` disable the cache also for truthy values like ``"true"``, ``"yes"``, ``"1"``, etc. (`5735 <>`_) Vendored Libraries ------------------ - Include license text of vendored 3rd party libraries. (`5213 <>`_) - Update certifi to 2018.11.29 - Update colorama to 0.4.1 - Update distlib to 0.2.8 - Update idna to 2.8 - Update packaging to 19.0 - Update pep517 to 0.5.0 - Update pkg_resources to 40.6.3 (via setuptools) - Update pyparsing to 2.3.1 - Update pytoml to 0.1.20 - Update requests to 2.21.0 - Update six to 1.12.0 - Update urllib3 to 1.24.1 Improved Documentation ---------------------- - Include the Vendoring Policy in the documentation. (`5958 <>`_) - Add instructions for running pip from source to Development documentation. (`5949 <>`_) - Remove references to removed ``egg=<name>-<version>`` functionality (`5888 <>`_) - Fix omission of command name in HTML usage documentation (`5984 <>`_) ```
Links - PyPI: - Changelog: - Homepage:
pyup-bot commented 4 years ago

Closing this in favor of #322