paul007pl / MVP_Benchmark

MVP Benchmark for Multi-View Partial Point Cloud Completion and Registration
Apache License 2.0
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Tensor full of nan during the train of vrcnet #29

Open acavalli1996 opened 2 years ago

acavalli1996 commented 2 years ago

Hy, thanks for your work! During the training of the vrcnet, the following problem occurs:

nan vrcnet

Especially, the problem occurs whithin the function edge_preserving_sampling, which is called inside the forward of the SA_SKN_Res_encoder:

ds_features, p_idx, pn_idx, ds_points = edge_preserve_sampling(features, points, sample_num, k)

and the feature tensors become full nan tensors. Is there a way to solve this problem? Did I do something wrong during the training?