paul007pl / MVP_Benchmark

MVP Benchmark for Multi-View Partial Point Cloud Completion and Registration
Apache License 2.0
116 stars 10 forks source link

Missing super resolution dataset #6

Closed rspezialetti closed 2 years ago

rspezialetti commented 2 years ago


thanks for releasing the code and dataset. However, on the paper you provide results at different resolutions (2.048 - 4.096 - 8.192 16.384), which are not present in the current released dataset. Why have they been removed ?

Thanks Riccardo

paul007pl commented 2 years ago

Hi Riccardo,

Thanks for asking. This repo is for our iccv2021 workshop, the mvp challenges. In this challenge, we will evaluate 2 tasks, completion and registration for 2048 points. It starts recently, and you are welcome to participate.

As for super-resolution datasets, you can find in my repo, VRCNet

Best, Liang

rspezialetti commented 2 years ago

Hi Liang,

thanks, i will close this issue.!

Best, Riccardo