Open VBAndCs opened 2 years ago
Try this:
string[] x = new[] { "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg\\lang1024\\noproof65001\\uc1 \\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0\\fprq1 Consolas;}}", "\\fs24 ", "\\cf0 {0}", "\\", "\\\\", "\\{", "\\}", "{\\b ", "\\cf{0} {1}{2}{3}{4}{5}", "\\cf0 {0}","\\}", "\\par ", "{\\colortbl;\r\n", "\\red{0}\\green{1}\\blue{2};" }
Most string literals will not be translated correctly.
Dim x As String() = { "{\rtf1{&H7}nsi{&H7}nsicpg\lang1024{vbLf}oproof65001\uc1 \deff0{{ChrW(12)}onttbl{{ChrW(12)}0{ChrW(12)}nil{ChrW(12)}charset0{ChrW(12)}prq1 Consolas;}}", "{ChrW(12)}s24 ", "{vbCr}f0 {0}", "\", "\", "\{", "\}", "{{ChrW(&H8)} ", "{vbCr}f{0} {1}{2}{3}{4}{5}", "{vbCr}f0 {0}", "\}", "\par ", "{{vbCr}olortbl;", "\red{0}\green{1}{ChrW(&H8)}lue{2};"}
The correct result should be:
Dim x() As String = { "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg\lang1024\noproof65001\uc1 \deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0\fprq1 Consolas;}}", "\fs24 ", "\cf0 {0}", "\", "\\", "\{", "\}", "{\b ", "\cf{0} {1}{2}{3}{4}{5}", "\cf0 {0}", "\}", "\par ", "{\colortbl;" & vbCrLf, "\red{0}\green{1}\blue{2};" }
Try this:
Most string literals will not be translated correctly.
The correct result should be: