Closed JoBot88 closed 7 years ago
You can make use of additional sensor data by integrating custom costmap_2d layer plugins.
The parameter explore_clear_space is documented here:
Dear frontier_exploration friends,
Creating extra custom costmap_2d layer plugins is cool but doesn't sound a unique and simplest way to solve the problem. Since you've created a nice global_map.launch file, could we simply extend ObstacleLayer plugin, by adding additional observation sources ? such as:
observation_sources: laser bumper sonar laser: {data_type: LaserScan, ...} bumper: {data_type: BumperEvent, ...} sonar: {data_type: ...}
Hope to hear your expertise.
-- Luke
Good morning and thank you in advance for your help,
My problem is the following, I have a robot that navigates in an area potentially hosting obstacles made of glass that my robot could not see with its laser. On my robot I have bumpers and sonars that could sense these glasses. Is there a simple way for me to make this package work by using my other sensors data in order to prevent collisions but still explore everything that is explorable ? Also what is this parameter achieving ? Can I use it to my advantage ?
Thank you