paulbricman / DebateGPT

Implementation of initial ArgRank and DebateGPT prototypes.
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Implement utility transcript loader #1

Closed paulbricman closed 1 year ago

paulbricman commented 1 year ago

In debategpt.inference.core, the Debate class is designed for orchestrating the generation and study of a debate. For instance, there are the and d.step() methods which help run the debate forward.

However, we'll have fully fleshed out transcripts for comparing ArgRank outputs to other computational argumentation approaches and human verdicts.

The task is to create a utility method of the Debate class which takes in a transcript and updates the object state accordingly (e.g. curr_round), so that one can then call d.graph and obtain the argument graph associated with the transcript. Might want to consult with Elfia about the structure of the transcripts, so as to facilitate their loading.

paulbricman commented 1 year ago

Here's Elfia's data source (for figuring out how to parse the transcripts into a more structured representation):

paulbricman commented 1 year ago

Closed by #2