paulc4 / microservices-demo

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Doubts with WebServer #34

Closed blancaat closed 4 years ago

blancaat commented 4 years ago

Hi @paulc4, I'm a computer science student who's about to finish my career. I'm working on a project that involves making a website through microservices and to inform myself I've been analyzing your code. My architecture would be based on four microservices: web-service, products-service, cart-service, and payment-service.This is where my doubt comes in. You in the project have included the WebAccountsService and WebAccountsController classes to manage the account-service information. What would happen when I want to include controllers and services to handle information from the rest of the microservices? Should I create more classes of the style 'WebProductsController"? I don't think because there would be a project with many classes. I also don't know if it would be good practice to create two classes, WebController and WebService, to handle all the information (WebService would contain all microservices access URLs). I've searched the internet for information but I know there are several ways to approach web UI management in microservices. Thanks! :)

paulc4 commented 4 years ago

The service classes expose each use-case offered by the underlying microservices - in this case everything you can do with products, carts and payments. How you expose them in the web microservice is up to you. One web-controller per service and one service per microservice is the model I have used.

One big web-controller or service is not recommended. Indeed, in a large system you might break the service class into multiple classes, handling different functionality groups (but talking to the same back-end microservice) driven by one or more controllers.

In a small system the number of classes seems excessive, but there are advantages:

If you combine each controller and service into a single class, this would not be possible. And the resulting combined class can quickly become a lot more complicated that you expected.

Similarly having just two classes (your proposed WebController and WebService) is not scalable and eventually would have to be split up.

Bottom Line: You are doing extra work up front for flexibility and scalability later.

Whatever you decide, make sure to justify why you have chosen the architecture you did when you submit your project.

I hope this is helpful and that you are keeping safe. Paul.

blancaat commented 4 years ago

It's all very clear to me. Thank you very much for the explanation! I hope you're safe, too.