paulcollett / react-masonry-css

React Masonry layout component powered by CSS, dependancy free
MIT License
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Is this type of Masonry possible asking for a feature #46

Closed faizhameed closed 4 years ago

faizhameed commented 4 years ago

I have a particular type of requirement where tiles are added dynamically, each tiles will be having different height and width I wanted it to look it like this masonry

If this is possible I wanted to try this library

paulcollett commented 4 years ago

This Masonry component only supports equal width columns with each item spanning just one column.

Unfortunately this could be restrictive for what you're after. We keep this plugin to just supporting this popular use-case for optimization reasons

faizhameed commented 4 years ago

OK thanks, i tried several plugins finally found this one by which i was able to replicate my use case thanks