paulczar / docker-percona_galera

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Does this work with the latest CoreOS? #3

Closed ellisio closed 9 years ago

ellisio commented 9 years ago


Does this environment still work with the latest CoreOS? I'm testing the alpha release which is currently at 459.0.0.

Upon a vagrant up I'll SSH into the core-01 VM and run watch docker ps and after 10 minutes nothing has happened. It's almost like the /var/lib/coreos-vagrant/vagrantfile-user-data file isn't being loaded.

I can manually run the commands in the generated user-data and I can get the DB to come up as a single instance (because the $COREOS_PRIVATE_IPV4 obviously isn't set when I do this).

I'm looking around to see if something changed with the latest CoreOS and loading of the vagrantfile-user-data but am having no luck.

Cheers, -Andrew

ellisio commented 9 years ago

Never mind, did not realize that dev=1 vagrant up does not start the service. RTFM! :)