pauldex / sqlalchemy-firebird

A Firebird dialect for SQLAlchemy using the firebird-driver and/or fdb python Firebird driver
MIT License
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Bypass additional problematic tests #13

Closed gordthompson closed 4 years ago

gordthompson commented 4 years ago

Bypass failing tests in DateTimeMicrosecondsTest, LastrowidTest, ExceptionTest, TimeMicrosecondsTest, UnicodeTextTest.

After applying these changes,

py.test -k "not CompoundSelectTest" --db firebird2

results in no errors (teardown or otherwise) and

16 failed, 147 passed, 189 skipped, 12 deselected in 20.73s
pauldex commented 4 years ago

We obviously have a configuration mis-match. I've got 370 total, 53 failed, 189 ignored, 128 passed. Test Results -

pauldex commented 4 years ago

maybe I didn't do the pull correctly?

gordthompson commented 4 years ago

I'm just running pytest from the Windows command prompt:

(venv) C:\Users\Gord\git\sqlalchemy-firebird>py.test -k "not CompoundSelectTest" --db firebird2