pauldmccarthy / fsleyes

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FSLeyes on windows #109

Open sh-shahrokhi opened 1 year ago

sh-shahrokhi commented 1 year ago

Hello I managed to run fsleyes on windows natively, with some errors

First, the simple reproduction: In an Anaconda/miniconda/miniforge prompt:

  1. create fsleyes env: conda create -n fsleyes
  2. conda activate fsleyes
  3. install fsleyes: conda install fsleyes -c conda-forge
  4. run fsleyes from cmd: fsleyes (it will complain about $FSL_DIR, click skip)
The resulting env: ['anyio', 'argon2-cffi', 'argon2-cffi-bindings', 'asttokens', 'attrs', 'backcall', 'backports', 'backports.functools_lru_cache', 'beautifulsoup4', 'bleach', 'brotli', 'brotli-bin', 'brotlipy', 'bzip2', 'ca-certificates', 'cached-property', 'cached_property', 'certifi', 'cffi', 'charset-normalizer', 'click', 'colorama', 'comm', 'contourpy', 'cryptography', 'cycler', 'dcm2niix', 'debugpy', 'decorator', 'defusedxml', 'dill', 'entrypoints', 'executing', 'file-tree', 'file-tree-fsl', 'flit-core', 'fonttools', 'freetype', 'fsleyes', 'fsleyes-props', 'fsleyes-widgets', 'fslpy', 'h5py', 'hdf5', 'idna', 'importlib-metadata', 'importlib_metadata', 'importlib_resources', 'indexed_gzip', 'intel-openmp', 'ipykernel', 'ipython', 'ipython_genutils', 'isodate', 'jedi', 'jinja2', 'jsonschema', 'jupyterlab_pygments', 'jupyter_client', 'jupyter_core', 'jupyter_events', 'jupyter_server', 'jupyter_server_terminals', 'kiwisolver', 'krb5', 'lcms2', 'lerc', 'libaec', 'libblas', 'libbrotlicommon', 'libbrotlidec', 'libbrotlienc', 'libcblas', 'libcurl', 'libdeflate', 'libexpat', 'libffi', 'libhwloc', 'libiconv', 'libjpeg-turbo', 'liblapack', 'libpng', 'libsodium', 'libspatialindex', 'libsqlite', 'libssh2', 'libtiff', 'libwebp-base', 'libxcb', 'libxml2', 'libzlib', 'm2w64-gcc-libgfortran', 'm2w64-gcc-libs', 'm2w64-gcc-libs-core', 'm2w64-gmp', 'm2w64-libwinpthread-git', 'markdown-it-py', 'markupsafe', 'matplotlib-base', 'matplotlib-inline', 'mdurl', 'mistune', 'mkl', 'msys2-conda-epoch', 'munkres', 'nbclassic', 'nbclient', 'nbconvert', 'nbconvert-core', 'nbconvert-pandoc', 'nbformat', 'nest-asyncio', 'nibabel', 'notebook', 'notebook-shim', 'numpy', 'openjpeg', 'openssl', 'packaging', 'pandas', 'pandoc', 'pandocfilters', 'parse', 'parso', 'pathlib2', 'pickleshare', 'pillow', 'pip', 'pkgutil-resolve-name', 'platformdirs', 'pooch', 'progressbar2', 'prometheus_client', 'prompt-toolkit', 'prompt_toolkit', 'psutil', 'pthread-stubs', 'pthreads-win32', 'pure_eval', 'pycparser', 'pydicom', 'pygments', 'pyopengl', 'pyopenssl', 'pyparsing', 'pyrsistent', 'pysocks', 'python', 'python-dateutil', 'python-fastjsonschema', 'python-json-logger', 'python-utils', 'python_abi', 'pytz', 'pywin32', 'pywinpty', 'pyyaml', 'pyzmq', 'requests', 'rfc3339-validator', 'rfc3986-validator', 'rich', 'rtree', 'scipy', 'send2trash', 'setuptools', 'six', 'sniffio', 'soupsieve', 'stack_data', 'tbb', 'terminado', 'tinycss2', 'tk', 'tornado', 'traitlets', 'trimesh', 'typing-extensions', 'typing_extensions', 'tzdata', 'ucrt', 'urllib3', 'vc', 'vs2015_runtime', 'wcwidth', 'webencodings', 'websocket-client', 'wheel', 'winpty', 'win_inet_pton', 'wxnatpy', 'wxpython', 'xarray', 'xnat', 'xorg-libxau', 'xorg-libxdmcp', 'xz', 'yaml', 'zeromq', 'zipp', 'zlib', 'zstd']

FSleyes window:



  1. almost all sliders (zoom, brightess, contrast, ...) do not work
  2. moving through slices is unstable
  3. sometimes hangs on exit

some console errors:

object address  : 000001A95B3324D0
object refcount : 2
object type     : 00007FFBEF2D0570
object type name: OSError
object repr     : OSError(22, 'Incorrect function', None, 1, None)
lost sys.stderr
object address  : 000001A93A8AE5C0
object refcount : 2
object type     : 00007FFBEF2C9230
object type name: KeyError
object repr     : KeyError((None, 'volume'))
lost sys.stderr
object address  : 00000253D759A320
object refcount : 2
object type     : 00007FFBEF2D0570
object type name: OSError
object repr     : OSError(22, 'Incorrect function', None, 1, None)
lost sys.stderr
object address  : 00000253D2191CC0
object refcount : 2
object type     : 00000253BA6874F0
object type name: ArgumentError
object repr     : ArgumentError('argument 2: OSError: [WinError 1] Incorrect function', (1, 2))
lost sys.stderr
object address  : 00000253DC381780
object refcount : 2
object type     : 00007FFBEF2CCC60
object type name: IndexError
object repr     : IndexError('list index out of range')
lost sys.stderr
object address  : 00000253DC381840
object refcount : 2
object type     : 00007FFBEF2CCC60
object type name: IndexError
object repr     : IndexError('list index out of range')
lost sys.stderr

I understand that this app is not supported on windows, but will appreciate any fix for this. I will happily help if any test/input is needed


pauldmccarthy commented 1 year ago

Hi @sh-shahrokhi, sorry, I don't have access to a Windows machine, so am unable to diagnose/fix any Windows-related issues.

Nilser3 commented 1 year ago

Hi @sh-shahrokhi @pauldmccarthy

I agree with you, sliding is quite slow, but my main problem is when viewing in "label image" mode nothing is observed:



I would be happy to find a solution to this problem.

