pauldotknopf / react-aspnet-boilerplate

A starting point for building isomorphic React applications with ASP.NET Core, leveraging existing techniques.
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Various dependency updates #45

Open neodescis opened 6 years ago

neodescis commented 6 years ago

First off, thank you Paul for providing this template. I have two web sites that I've built off of this, and it's worked out great. Since I started up these sites, I've made a bunch of updates, and I thought I'd offer a hand to get them updated here. I'd be happy to work on a pull request, but I wanted to see what all you'd like me to incorporate. Here's a list of what I've changed/updated:

Let me know what you think, and if you'd be interested incorporating some or all of this. Then I can start working on a pull request.

pauldotknopf commented 6 years ago

Wow. I would love a PR that has these things. As you could tell, I haven't had time to keep dependencies update. Node packages change very often.

As for TypeScript, I'm also on board. I'll never write a new project without it. How much is in TypeScript? Even the jsx/React stuff?

neodescis commented 6 years ago

I have both of my sites now converted fully to .ts and .tsx TypeScript files, complete with noImplicitAny turned on.

I'll get to work on a PR. It might take me a couple of weeks; I've been updating my projects incrementally, so I'm exactly not sure how long it'll take me to back-port the changes to this codebase. I'll try to post updates here.

Also, there are two additional caveats I should mention:

  1. extract-text-webpack-plugin is deprecated for webpack 4, and its functionality is mostly replaced by mini-css-extract-plugin, which I've switched to. However, I've also swapped css-loader for typings-for-css-modules-loader, and the latter does not have the same "/locals" functionality. So, I've got the server bundle running through mini-css-extract-plugin as well, now generating useless CSS. Trying to decide if the CSS typings are worth the annoyance.
  2. bootstrap-loader is also dependent on the now-deprecated extract-text-webpack-plugin. There's been some effort to swap out the dependency, but it seems stalled, and I've removed the functionality in favor of pulling the bootstrap styles from a CDN. This can be revisited if and when there is an update.
neodescis commented 6 years ago

Looks like I spoke too soon about bootstrap-loader; there is a new PR there for webpack 4 support. So hopefully I'll be able to switch that back.

neodescis commented 6 years ago

First update on my PR: I got the server side of things updated to .NET Core 2.0, including the identity stuff. The PR will be for master, and once that's in we can push relevant changes to the empty-template branch.

pauldotknopf commented 6 years ago

Roger that. I can do this in small chunks if you want to submit now, if you like. Your call.

neodescis commented 6 years ago

Ha, thanks for merging the server side! That was fast :-) I'm thinking it might make sense to do the client side in one go, as I don't know how useful any changes would be until I'm all the way through.

pauldotknopf commented 6 years ago

I agree.

neodescis commented 6 years ago

Thought I'd give an update. What's done so far (and pushed to my fork):

What's remaining:

After I finish up those last two, I'll submit a pull request!

pauldotknopf commented 6 years ago

Hey, sorry I didn't get back to you. I'm still excited for your changes. This project needs a breath of new/fresh air.

Again, I'm aboard with all your notes/comments.

Thanks again!

neodescis commented 6 years ago

Not a problem. I've made good progress and should have a PR for you soon.

neodescis commented 6 years ago

PR created! Once that's in, I can work on getting the changes pushed out to the empty-template branch (which is what I used as the starting point for my own projects).

neodescis commented 6 years ago

Apparently bootstrap-loader has a beta release to work with Webpack 4. It's not quite as simple as swapping it out (need to have separate loaders defined for prod and dev), but I'll try to get a PR together for that before I move on to empty-template.

neodescis commented 6 years ago

Figured out the new bootstrap-loader. I just added it to my current PR.