paulesn / TerraImeria

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Page 5 Panel 1 #20

Closed paulesn closed 5 years ago

paulesn commented 5 years ago

Big panel (1 page width / half page height):Captain HARTEK stands on the bridge. In front of him is a touch table (navigation table). On his left side is DAMIEN BEYER, looking at the table. On his right side is Georg Xinari. There are several other officers on the Bridge and doing their Job (On silk looks like he's sleeping on his console). The Bridge looks like a big room with monitors everywhere and a big glas half-circle as front. There is a chair that can move over an rail from one end of the circle to the other. The chair can also tilt to keep a stable view of the stars. It's the pilot seat. BEYER Activate EMD and inertia dampeners PILOT Yes Sir BEYER How is the status of our ship? OFFICER 1 Engineering all green OFFICER 2 Data all green OFFICER 3 Decks 1 to 49 green BEYER Very Well Officer Tremm please send our status to control. OFFICER 3 (TREMM) We have a go for the first jump

Caption: I was on so many ships. As Captain, as Officer and as child. But I can never stop looking at the stars. That little yellow lights that showed us the way since ancient times. Caption: And now I'm the first captain to see one of these stars from it's own system.