paulevsGitch / BetterNether

BetterNether Mod
GNU General Public License v3.0
105 stars 73 forks source link

[Bug] Nether Fortress Doesn't Seem to Spawn... #511

Closed Sworn115 closed 2 years ago

Sworn115 commented 2 years ago

What happened?

As stated above, I started a new Minecraft world for 1.18 (according to my icon.png) on January 24th, 2022. I had been playing it for a while, with the objective of this world being to convert a portion of my spawn into the nether.

As this project went through, I needed multiple stacks of Nether brick. Since coal is my current fuel source, I would prefer to conserve it for ores. Also I didn't want to go through the process of going through multiple netherrack blocks and using Lava Buckets.

I decided to go through the journey of finding some sort of Nether Fortress... however I couldn't seem to find it.

As a last-ditch effort, I decided to locate the structure itself using /locate... but what only seems to pop up is the Better Nether City...

I've reset the Nether through the deletion of the DIM-1 file and manually flied around to see if I can find anything. I've also updated BCLib and Better Nether just to be sure that any bugs involving the disappearance of the Nether Fortress are covered.... However still nothing.

I had noticed this issue pop up before... however it looks like it's mainly for a Better Nether mod-pack. I don't know if my current set of mods could be conflicting.

Thank you for reading and for any assistance that is provided on this report!





Fabric API


Fabric Loader




Relevant log output

[11:11:55] [main/INFO]: Loading Minecraft 1.18.1 with Fabric Loader 0.12.12
[11:11:55] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1/WARN]: The mod "libcd" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
- Unsupported root entry "licence" at line 9 column 12
[11:11:55] [main/INFO]: Loading 93 mods:
    - amecsapi 1.3.3+mc1.18-pre1 via backslot
    - appleskin mc1.18-2.2.0
    - architectury 3.2.52
    - backslot 1.2.4
    - bcdt_expansion 1.18.1-1.1.1
    - bclib 1.3.0
    - betternether 6.0.10
    - blue_endless_jankson 1.2.1 via kyrptconfig
    - cherishedworlds 2.0.1-1.18
    - cloth-basic-math 0.6.0 via cloth-config
    - cloth-config 6.1.48
    - com_typesafe_config 1.4.1 via confabricate
    - confabricate 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT+4.1.1 via croptopia
    - croptopia 1.8.0
    - diggusmaximus 1.5.2-1.18
    - fabric 0.46.1+1.18
    - fabric-api-base 0.4.1+b4f4f6cd65 via fabric
    - fabric-api-lookup-api-v1 1.5.0+17be577f65 via fabric
    - fabric-biome-api-v1 6.0.1+ded849a965 via fabric
    - fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1 1.1.9+3ac43d9565 via fabric
    - fabric-command-api-v1 1.1.6+3ac43d9565 via fabric
    - fabric-commands-v0 0.2.5+b4f4f6cd65 via fabric
    - fabric-containers-v0 0.1.18+d154e2c665 via fabric
    - fabric-content-registries-v0 0.4.5+6f53a73d65 via fabric
    - fabric-crash-report-info-v1 0.1.8+3ac43d9565 via fabric
    - fabric-dimensions-v1 2.1.9+a1d9bbf565 via fabric
    - fabric-entity-events-v1 1.4.5+6b21378a65 via fabric
    - fabric-events-interaction-v0 0.4.16+bfa23f1765 via fabric
    - fabric-events-lifecycle-v0 0.2.6+b4f4f6cd65 via fabric
    - fabric-game-rule-api-v1 1.0.10+3ac43d9565 via fabric
    - fabric-item-api-v1 1.3.0+691a79b565 via fabric
    - fabric-item-groups-v0 0.3.3+3ac43d9565 via fabric
    - fabric-key-binding-api-v1 1.0.8+c8aba2f365 via fabric
    - fabric-keybindings-v0 0.2.6+b4f4f6cd65 via fabric
    - fabric-lifecycle-events-v1 1.4.10+c15ca33565 via fabric
    - fabric-loot-tables-v1 1.0.8+3ac43d9565 via fabric
    - fabric-mining-level-api-v1 1.0.3+3ac43d9565 via fabric
    - fabric-mining-levels-v0 0.1.8+b4f4f6cd65 via fabric
    - fabric-models-v0 0.3.3+3ac43d9565 via fabric
    - fabric-networking-api-v1 1.0.18+3ac43d9565 via fabric
    - fabric-networking-v0 0.3.5+b4f4f6cd65 via fabric
    - fabric-object-builder-api-v1 1.11.1+3b82842e65 via fabric
    - fabric-object-builders-v0 0.7.9+3ac43d9565 via fabric
    - fabric-particles-v1 0.2.9+526dc1ac65 via fabric
    - fabric-registry-sync-v0 0.9.0+befed49e65 via fabric
    - fabric-renderer-api-v1 0.4.10+b0b66fc365 via fabric
    - fabric-renderer-indigo 0.4.13+b0b66fc365 via fabric
    - fabric-renderer-registries-v1 3.2.7+b4f4f6cd65 via fabric
    - fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1 0.3.4+7242e9d765 via fabric
    - fabric-rendering-fluids-v1 0.1.18+3ac43d9565 via fabric
    - fabric-rendering-v0 1.1.9+b4f4f6cd65 via fabric
    - fabric-rendering-v1 1.10.3+6b21378a65 via fabric
    - fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1 1.0.1+13eda06565 via fabric
    - fabric-resource-loader-v0 0.4.11+3ac43d9514 via cherishedworlds
    - fabric-screen-api-v1 1.0.7+3ac43d9565 via fabric
    - fabric-screen-handler-api-v1 1.1.11+3ac43d9565 via fabric
    - fabric-structure-api-v1 2.1.0+0a73a6c265 via fabric
    - fabric-tag-extensions-v0 1.2.5+3ac43d9565 via fabric
    - fabric-textures-v0 1.0.9+3ac43d9565 via fabric
    - fabric-tool-attribute-api-v1 1.3.5+fb3b57b465 via fabric
    - fabric-transfer-api-v1 1.5.6+b4f4f6cd65 via fabric
    - fabricloader 0.12.12
    - io_leangen_geantyref_geantyref 1.3.11 via confabricate
    - iris 1.2.0-pre
    - java 17
    - kyrptconfig 1.2.4-1.18 via diggusmaximus
    - libcd 3.0.3+1.16.3 via vanilla-hammers
    - magna 1.7.0-1.18-pre1 via vanilla-hammers
    - maybe-data 1.0.1-1.17 via vanilla-hammers
    - minecraft 1.18.1
    - modmenu 3.0.1
    - naturescompass 1.18.1-2.0.2-fabric
    - omega-config 1.1.0 via vanilla-hammers
    - org_anarres_jcpp 1.4.14 via iris
    - org_joml_joml 1.10.2 via sodium
    - org_slf4j_slf4j-api 1.7.12 via iris
    - org_spongepowered_configurate-core 4.1.1 via confabricate
    - org_spongepowered_configurate-extra-dfu4 4.1.1 via confabricate
    - org_spongepowered_configurate-gson 4.1.1 via confabricate
    - org_spongepowered_configurate-hocon 4.1.1 via confabricate
    - quartzelv 2.1.0+1.18
    - reborncore 5.1.0-beta.5 via techreborn
    - roughlyenoughitems 7.1.390
    - smoothboot 1.18-1.7.0
    - sodium 0.4.0-alpha6+build.14
    - static-content 1.0.2-1.16.2 via vanilla-hammers
    - staticdata 1.1.2 via static-content
    - team_reborn_energy 2.0.0-beta1 via techreborn
    - techreborn 5.1.0-beta.5
    - vanilla-hammers 3.2.0-1.18.1
    - wthit 4.4.1
    - xaerominimap 22.1.0
    - xaeroworldmap 1.20.0
[11:11:55] [main/WARN]: Mod `appleskin` (mc1.18-2.2.0) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
[11:11:55] [main/INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.4 Source=file:/C:/Users/Mr.%20Hiyrakoo/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.10.7+mixin.0.8.4/sponge-mixin-0.10.7+mixin.0.8.4.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=CLIENT
[11:11:55] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_16
[11:11:55] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17
[11:11:56] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for Sodium: 29 options available, 1 override(s) found
[11:11:56] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin '' as rule '' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children
[11:11:57] [main/INFO]: Trying to switch memory allocators to work around memory leaks present with Jemalloc 5.0.0 through 5.2.0 on Windows
[11:11:57] [main/INFO]: Smooth Boot config initialized
[11:11:58] [main/WARN]: Injection warning: LVT in net/minecraft/class_2404::method_10316(Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;)Z has incompatible changes at opcode 120 in callback betternether.mixins.common.json:LiquidBlockMixin->@Inject::bn_shouldSpreadLiquid(Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lorg/spongepowered/asm/mixin/injection/callback/CallbackInfoReturnable;ZLcom/google/common/collect/UnmodifiableIterator;Lnet/minecraft/class_2350;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2248;)V from mod betternether.
 Expected: [Z, Lcom/google/common/collect/UnmodifiableIterator;, Lnet/minecraft/class_2350;, Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;, Lnet/minecraft/class_2248;]
    Found: [Z, Lcom/google/common/collect/UnmodifiableIterator;, Lnet/minecraft/class_2350;, Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;]
Available: [Z, Lcom/google/common/collect/UnmodifiableIterator;, Lnet/minecraft/class_2350;, Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;]
[11:12:01] [main/WARN]: @Inject(@At("INVOKE")) Shift.BY=3 on fabric-lifecycle-events-v1.mixins.json:client.WorldChunkMixin::handler$zmo000$onLoadBlockEntity exceeds the maximum allowed value: 0. Increase the value of maxShiftBy to suppress this warning.
[11:12:02] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.main to auto sync (file hash)
[11:12:02] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.generator to auto sync (file hash)
[11:12:02] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.blocks to auto sync (file hash)
[11:12:02] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.items to auto sync (file hash)
[11:12:02] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.biomes to auto sync (file hash)
[11:12:02] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config betternether.mobs to auto sync (file hash)
[11:12:02] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config to auto sync (file hash)
[11:12:02] [main/INFO]: [BetterNether] Enabled Vanilla Hammers Integration
[11:12:02] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config bclib.main to auto sync (content diff)
[11:12:02] [main/INFO]: [bclib] Added Config to auto sync (file hash)
[11:12:02] [Render thread/WARN]: Method overwrite conflict for method_22920 in sodium.mixins.json:features.buffer_builder.intrinsics.MixinBufferBuilder, previously written by net.coderbot.iris.mixin.vertices.block_rendering.MixinBufferBuilder_SeparateAo. Skipping method.
[11:12:03] [Render thread/INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
[11:12:03] [Render thread/INFO]: Setting user: Sworn115
[11:12:03] [Render thread/INFO]: BCDT Expansion loaded!
[11:12:04] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Registering ModBlocks forbcdt_expansion
[11:12:04] [Render thread/INFO]: [betternether] =^..^=    BetterNether for 1.18    =^..^=
[11:12:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Reborn core is done for now, now to let other mods have their turn...
[11:12:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Config loaded.
[11:12:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered plugin provider REITooltipPlugin [appleskin] for REIPlugin
[11:12:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered plugin provider DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIPlugin
[11:12:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered plugin provider DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIPlugin
[11:12:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered plugin provider DefaultClientPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIPlugin
[11:12:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered plugin provider DefaultClientRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIPlugin
[11:12:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered plugin provider ReiPlugin [techreborn] for REIPlugin
[11:12:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered plugin provider ReiRecipeLookup [wthit] for REIPlugin
[11:12:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered plugin provider DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIServerPlugin
[11:12:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered plugin provider DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIServerPlugin
[11:12:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered plugin provider FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin for REIServerPlugin
[11:12:06] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered plugin provider FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin for REIPlugin
[11:12:07] [Render thread/INFO]: TechReborn setup done!
[11:12:07] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 14 Static Content files for vanilla-hammers:hammers
[11:12:07] [Render thread/INFO]: [WTHIT] Registering plugin waila:core at mcp.mobius.waila.plugin.core.WailaCore
[11:12:07] [Render thread/INFO]: [WTHIT] Registering plugin waila:vanilla at mcp.mobius.waila.plugin.vanilla.WailaVanilla
[11:12:07] [Render thread/INFO]: [WTHIT] Plugin config reloaded
[11:12:08] [Render thread/INFO]: [Indigo] Different rendering plugin detected; not applying Indigo.
[11:12:08] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered plugin provider REITooltipPlugin [appleskin] for REIClientPlugin
[11:12:08] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered plugin provider DefaultClientPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIClientPlugin
[11:12:08] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered plugin provider DefaultClientRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems] for REIClientPlugin
[11:12:08] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered plugin provider ReiPlugin [techreborn] for REIClientPlugin
[11:12:08] [Render thread/INFO]: Registered plugin provider ReiRecipeLookup [wthit] for REIClientPlugin
[11:12:08] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading Xaero's Minimap - Stage 1/2
[11:12:08] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading Xaero's World Map - Stage 1/2
[11:12:09] [Render thread/INFO]: Backend library: LWJGL version 3.2.2 build 10
[11:12:10] [Render thread/INFO]: Shaders are disabled because no valid shaderpack is selected
[11:12:10] [Render thread/INFO]: Shaders are disabled
[11:12:10] [Render thread/INFO]: Hardware information:
[11:12:10] [Render thread/INFO]: CPU: 12x AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor 
[11:12:10] [Render thread/INFO]: GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660/PCIe/SSE2 (Supports OpenGL 3.2.0 NVIDIA 511.23)
[11:12:10] [Render thread/INFO]: OS: Windows 10 (10.0)
[11:12:10] [Render thread/WARN]: @ModifyVariable(@At("INVOKE")) Shift.BY=2 on magna.mixins.json:WorldRendererMixin::localvar$bhd000$appendBlockBreakingProgressions exceeds the maximum allowed value: 0. Increase the value of maxShiftBy to suppress this warning.
[11:12:10] [Render thread/WARN]: Method overwrite conflict for getNativeMemoryUsage in sodium.mixins.json:features.debug.MixinDebugHud, previously written by net.coderbot.iris.mixin.MixinDebugScreenOverlay. Skipping method.
[11:12:10] [Render thread/INFO]: Narrator library for x64 successfully loaded
[11:12:10] [Render thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, Fabric Mods (Amecs API, AppleSkin, BackSlot, BCDT Expansion, BCLib, Better Nether, Cherished Worlds, Cloth Config v6, Croptopia, Diggus Maximus, Fabric API, Fabric API Base, Fabric API Lookup API (v1), Fabric Biome API (v1), Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1), Fabric Command API (v1), Fabric Commands (v0), Fabric Containers (v0), Fabric Content Registries (v0), Fabric Crash Report Info (v1), Fabric Dimensions API (v1), Fabric Entity Events (v1), Fabric Events Interaction (v0), Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0), Fabric Game Rule API (v1), Fabric Item API (v1), Fabric Item Groups (v0), Fabric Key Binding API (v1), Fabric Key Bindings (v0), Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1), Fabric Loot Tables (v1), Fabric Mining Level API (v1), Fabric Mining Levels (v0), Fabric Models (v0), Fabric Networking API (v1), Fabric Networking (v0), Fabric Object Builder API (v1), Fabric Object Builders (v0), Fabric Particles (v1), Fabric Registry Sync (v0), Fabric Renderer API (v1), Fabric Renderer - Indigo, Fabric Renderer Registries (v1), Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1), Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1), Fabric Rendering (v0), Fabric Rendering (v1), Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1), Fabric Resource Loader (v0), Fabric Screen API (v1), Fabric Screen Handler API (v1), Fabric Structure API (v1), Fabric Tag Extensions (v0), Fabric Textures (v0), Fabric Tool Attribute API (v1), Fabric Transfer API (v1), Fabric Loader, Iris, Kyrpt Config, LibCapableData, Magna, Mod Menu, Nature's Compass, OmegaConfig, Quartz Elevator, Reborn Core, Roughly Enough Items, Smooth Boot, Sodium, Static Data, Energy, Tech Reborn, Vanilla Hammers, wthit, Xaero's Minimap, Xaero's World Map)
[11:12:10] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixin loaded!
[11:12:11] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading Xaero's Minimap - Stage 2/2
[11:12:11] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Xaero's Minimap: World Map found!
[11:12:11] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: No Optifine!
[11:12:11] [Render thread/INFO]: Loading Xaero's World Map - Stage 2/2
[11:12:11] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: New world map region cache hash code: 687554333
[11:12:11] [Render thread/INFO]: Xaero's WorldMap Mod: Xaero's minimap found!
[11:12:11] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: No Optifine!
[11:12:11] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: No Vivecraft!
[11:12:13] [Worker-Main-2/WARN]: Unable to load model: 'croptopia:rhubarb_pie#inventory' referenced from: croptopia:rhubarb_pie#inventory: croptopia:models/item/rhubarb_pie.json
[11:12:14] [Worker-Main-4/ERROR]: Using missing texture, unable to load patchouli:textures/items/book_blue.png : patchouli:textures/items/book_blue.png
[11:12:14] [Render thread/INFO]: OpenAL initialized on device OpenAL Soft on VoiceMeeter Input (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO)
[11:12:14] [Render thread/INFO]: Sound engine started
[11:12:15] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 2048x1024x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png-atlas
[11:12:15] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x128x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/signs.png-atlas
[11:12:15] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/banner_patterns.png-atlas
[11:12:15] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shield_patterns.png-atlas
[11:12:15] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/chest.png-atlas
[11:12:15] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/beds.png-atlas
[11:12:15] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shulker_boxes.png-atlas
[11:12:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/particles.png-atlas
[11:12:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/paintings.png-atlas
[11:12:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x128x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/mob_effects.png-atlas
[11:12:16] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Successfully reloaded the minimap shaders!
[11:12:16] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Successfully reloaded the world map shaders!
[11:12:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixin loaded!
[11:12:22] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixin loaded!
[11:12:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [DataFixerAPI] Ignoring Patch{betternether:5.3.5:21020677}
[11:12:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [DataFixerAPI] Applying Patch{bclib:1.2.1:4227073}
[11:12:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [bclib] Running Pre Patchers on C:\Users\Mr. Hiyrakoo\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\Fabric 1.18\saves\Mr_ Hiyrakoo's 1_18 World\.
[11:12:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [DataFixerAPI] Everything up to date
[11:12:25] [Render thread/INFO]: [betternether] Using legacy (1.17) generator: false
[11:12:25] [Render thread/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
[11:12:25] [Render thread/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
[11:12:25] [Render thread/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, destination] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [Player, 0123, @e, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
[11:12:25] [Render thread/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [Player, 0123, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
[11:12:25] [Render thread/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets, location] and [teleport, targets, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
[11:12:25] [Render thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, Fabric Mods (BackSlot, BCDT Expansion, Better Nether, Croptopia, Fabric Tool Attribute API (v1), LibCapableData, Nature's Compass, Quartz Elevator, Tech Reborn, Vanilla Hammers)
[11:12:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 28 recipes
[11:12:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 1564 advancements
[11:12:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 0 conditional recipes
[11:12:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Applied 315 biome modifications to 83 of 83 new biomes in 234.2 ms
[11:12:26] [Render thread/INFO]: [fabric-registry-sync] Loaded registry data [file 1/4]
[11:12:30] [Render thread/INFO]: Mixin loaded!
[11:12:37] [Render thread/INFO]: Stopping!

Other Mods

quiqueck commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting. I thought I did already reply to this, but it appears that I did not send it. So sorry for the delay :(

Just to make sure, did the /locate-command for the fortress return an error, or did you not see them listed when typing the command? I am asking, because I was just testing this with the latest released versions, and the Fortresses do spawn, there.

Could you maybe send me the seed of the world, so I can test with the same generation

Sworn115 commented 2 years ago

Hello, glad you noticed! :)

In terms of the /locate command, I mainly looked through the entire list given and didn't see it.

I can't confirm this since I had removed the Better Nether mod the moment this issue report was created. Mainly to find the Nether bricks mentioned in the issue report.

However, here is the seed below: -7398693296262192269

Hope this helps!

quiqueck commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the seed, I'll have a look later...

quiqueck commented 2 years ago

Hm, unfortunately they seem to generate fine for me with that seed. However, the first one I found was partially covered by terrain.

quiqueck commented 2 years ago

Do you by any chance have any datapacks installed for that world?

Sworn115 commented 2 years ago

I'll go ahead and check right now, I'll reinstall and attempt to match the exact mods I had during this time.

I should've said this beforehand also, I'm really sorry. I had just remembered that during all this, I kept getting a notification saying experimental settings weren't supported.

Sworn115 commented 2 years ago

Oh for christ sake... Screenshot 2022-02-25 100114

Welp this means then I'm so dense that I couldn't just read the word "fortress" somehow. Going to the listed coordinates leads to the fortress as well... Screenshot 2022-02-25 100508

There isn't much either in terms of the datapacks installed... Screenshot 2022-02-25 101055

I am so sorry for wasting your time.

I had thought that since I couldn't find anything related to the fortress using the /locate command and that the experimental settings notification only popped up with the BetterNether installed, it meant that there was a specific issue with this mod.

I'm sorry for using your guys' time for this. I hope you all have a good day.