I am having trouble with the plugin. Everything seemed fine but after running the app in dev env, the page loads up but complains that it can't find the compiled css file. I am using Grails 2.0.1 and lesscss-resources 1.3.0.
I don't know why it's broken, but if you remove the explicit bundle: 'bundle_styling', it should work. There appears to be a bug in the way the plugin handles bundles.
I am having trouble with the plugin. Everything seemed fine but after running the app in dev env, the page loads up but complains that it can't find the compiled css file. I am using Grails 2.0.1 and lesscss-resources 1.3.0.
Here is what I have in UiResources.groovy:
styling { defaultBundle 'styling'
What shows up on the page is this:
< link href="/appName/bundle-bundle_styling_head.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" rel="stylesheet" >
Although I can locate this file in the ~/.grails/2.0.1/projects/appName/tomcat/worl/Tomcat/localhost/appName/grails-resources ...
Grails console also complains:
Resources not found: /bundle-bundle_styling_head.css
I have been trying different things to get this to work till no avail. Did I do anything wrong here?