paulfitz / daff

align and compare tables
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[Python] [Bug] TableDiff.hasDifference is sensitive to order when inputs contain multiple identical rows containing `None`, even if CompareFlags.order is False #200

Open MichelleArk opened 3 months ago

MichelleArk commented 3 months ago


TableDiff.hasDifference unexpectedly returns True when comparing two input tables that have multiple identical rows with containing None, even ifCompareFlags.orderis set toFalse`.

I've observed this for the python daff package, not sure if it is an issue in other language bindings.

Repro case:

import daff

table1 = daff.PythonTableView(
        ['id', 'status'],
        [None, 'B'],
        [None, 'B'],
        [3, 'A']
table2 = daff.PythonTableView(
        ['id', 'status'],
        [3, 'A'],
        [None, 'B'],
        [None, 'B']

flags = daff.CompareFlags()
flags.ordered = False

alignment = daff.Coopy.compareTables(table1, table2, flags).align()
result = daff.PythonTableView([])

diff = daff.TableDiff(alignment, flags)

assert not diff.hasDifference() # AssertionError

Workaround in dbt-core: