paulgibbs / achievements

Achievements gamifies your WordPress site with challenges, badges, and points.
63 stars 9 forks source link

author page pagination #70

Open paulgibbs opened 11 years ago

paulgibbs commented 11 years ago

might be broken.

paulgibbs commented 11 years ago


paulgibbs commented 11 years ago

Spent several hours investigating the best way to fix this.

A rewrite rule needs to be added to add pagination rules onto the author achievements endpoint. However, the 'paged' query var breaks the matching of the URL on the author template, so what probably needs to happen is for the achievements endpoint to be replaced by two/three rewrite rules to handle these situations. Will also need to use template_redirect or similar to capture the URL and display the template.

For now, I've disabled pagination on the user achievements page; certainly not ideal, and it won't scale massively well, but the least-worse solution for 3.1, especially considering when these particular URLs are integrated back into BP user profiles in a future release, it's all touching the same bits of code.

paulgibbs commented 11 years ago

Duplicated in #99. Fixed in 3.4.

paulgibbs commented 11 years ago

Closed in error.