paulh-rnd / TabbedBoxMaker

Inkscape tabbed box generator plugin - quickly design complex "finger jointed" boxes
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Ability to define advanced divider properties #34

Open paulh-rnd opened 4 years ago

paulh-rnd commented 4 years ago

A bit of an issue log tidy up, and I came across this, I thought I'd break it out into its own issue for tracking:

I'd like to be able to define where I want the dividers. Right now it just divides into equal parts. In my case I also want one side open but dividers in the other side so being able to do half length dividers would be awesome (this is where things get hard).

Originally posted by @mshorter in


I like this idea, and I've often thought about how dividers could be done better: currently it's tedious to move them around (means moving key holes on multiple box faces, by exactly the right amount), and doing more complex layouts such as spanning. In fact it's a lot like building an old-style HTML table: define your rows and columns then define which cells span multiple rows or columns.

Unfortunately this is all a pipe dream at the moment while the code is so complex. I need to do some serious refactoring and Pythonic-ification, as it were.

paulh-rnd commented 4 years ago

Thoughts for divider features:

Feel free to add more suggestions!