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Create pulldown for states list page #34

Closed paulhtremblay closed 4 years ago

paulhtremblay commented 4 years ago give a bad user experience. Normally, there would be a pulldown. Jquery could replace the contents of the list with a pulldown, or we could implement the code more direct.

btrem commented 4 years ago

What should the main nav links be? Some of the graphs are a little beyond my comprehension, so it's hard to organize the site. My first attempt:

home countries states comparisons

The comparisons folder would hold e.g. Sweden vs. As an alternative, maybe states-deaths should go in the /states/ folder, while Sweden vs. should go in /countries/. That might make more sense, keeping things organized into their own folders.

ISTM that the /states/ and /countries/ pages should have more than a list of links. There are a few things we could do, maybe the Sweden vs. could be part of the content of /countries/, that sort of thing.

btrem commented 4 years ago

How do I get a python list of states and territories that will have their own pages? I tried to copy and whittle down, but there's too much I don't understand, and I've failed.

btrem commented 4 years ago

Never mind. I think I have it figured out. When I push the branch, you can decide if it cuts the mustard.

btrem commented 4 years ago

Where do you want javascript/jquery files to go? Where do you want graphic files? Do you want folders under templates?

Also, I wrote a .py file that makes a nav.html file with the pull down state/country lists. I wasn't sure where the make file should put the nav.html file. It is not a standalone document, so it shouldn't be sent to S3 by, and therefore shouldn't go in html_temp. I decided to use a separate ./templates folder. The ./html_temp dir is for finished, standalone html documents that are part of the site. The ./templates dir is for html fragments to be included or used in some other way. Hope this is ok.