pauline-ng / SIFT4G_Create_Genomic_DB

Create genomic databases with SIFT predictions. Input is an organism's genomic DNA (.fa) file and the gene annotation file (.gtf). Output will be a database that can be used with SIFT4G_Annotator.jar to annotate VCF files.
GNU General Public License v3.0
25 stars 7 forks source link

** Checking query data and substitutions files ** terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::regex_error' what(): regex_error Aborted (core dumped) #52

Closed Jiangjiangzhang6 closed 2 years ago

Jiangjiangzhang6 commented 2 years ago

my gcc version 9.4 and the update the g++ complier through conda,but the error exit, how could i do for this error? thanks

pauline-ng commented 2 years ago

This sounds like a sift4g issue. Please submit issue to