paulinus / opensfm-docker-base

A base docker image to build OpenSfM with all dependencies included
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python3 docker base #4

Closed CorentinLemaitre closed 4 years ago

CorentinLemaitre commented 4 years ago

Hello i use windows 10 docker to run OpenSfM.

My issue : the program want to run with python 3 and it is not in the docker. I have install the docker image : docker pull paulinus/opensfm-docker-base Then i did run it : docker run -it paulinus/opensfm-docker-base

Then i have try to build OpenSfM and use the berlin data.

git clone --recursive
cd OpenSfM
python build
bin/opensfm_run_all data/berlin

the result :

Running using Python command: python3
bin/opensfm_run_all: line 10: python3: command not found

I have see in the current repo that there is dockerfile for python 2 and python 3 but i have no idea how to use it.

CorentinLemaitre commented 4 years ago

I did manage to solve part of this. I have download the file Dockerfile.python3 I have rename it Dockerfile Then i build an image with the command docker build -t my_docker .

Then i run it :

docker run -it -p 8000:8000 --name my_opensfm my_docker
git clone --recursive
cd OpenSfM
python3 build
cd doc
pip3 install sphinx
pip3 install sphinx_rtd_theme
make livehtml
pip3 install joblib
bin/opensfm_run_all data/berlin
python3 -m http.server 8000

The packages intalled with pip3 was missing and are may be usefull to add in the dockerfile.

paulinus commented 4 years ago

Hey, @CorentinLemaitre, you don't need to use this repository directly. You can build the opensfm docker image by running this from the opensfm folder:

docker build -t my_opensfm -f Dockerfile .

And then this to run it:

docker run -ti my_opensfm