paulirish / css3please

use Autoprefixer instead. <3
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remove ie6-8 support from css3please #105

Closed paulirish closed 11 years ago

paulirish commented 11 years ago

current features that support ie6-8: gradients, rgba, scaling, rotating, opacity, fontface

I plan to remove any property/values that are exclusively for these browsers, as they should not be getting this extra treatment. Continuing to deliver a first tier experience to these browsers prolongs their use. Seems unwise to invest in these browsers when we want them gone.

These browsers need a lo-fi version of the site and do not need these features.

curtisblackwell commented 11 years ago


mathiasbynens commented 11 years ago

How about not displaying these declarations by default, but having a checkbox (or some other way) to toggle them back on? It can be useful information if you’re working on a project that requires IE8 support, for instance.

s10wen commented 11 years ago


sofuxro commented 11 years ago

@mathiasbynens You can downgrade for IE8. It doesn't need to look as stylish as the modern browsers. It needs to be readable. The alternative is having all these older browser forever and ever and ever and ever...

@paulirish Please do the same with HTML5please

curtisblackwell commented 11 years ago

@sofuxro you can filter out IE on HTML5 Please by clicking the no IE link next to supported by or by searching noie.

i realize that may not be exactly what you mean, but could be helpful in the meantime.

sofuxro commented 11 years ago

@curtisblackwell you didn't understand my request.

I'm refering to this kind of text (which shouldn't exist there): "For IE6/7 you can optionally use the box-sizing polyfill to provide this feature in IE 6/7 (you could scope the adjustments using IE conditionals or Modernizr's no-box-sizing)."

This is not for me, as I stopped supporting IE for some time now. This is for all user searching for "How to use ..." "Seems unwise to invest in these browsers when we want them gone."(Paul)

curtisblackwell commented 11 years ago

@sofuxro ah, right. got it. thanks for taking the time to clarify.

CMTegner commented 11 years ago


jonathantneal commented 11 years ago

+1 from me!

paulirish commented 11 years ago

:D awesome

would love some help on this.

pull requests very welcome!

jonathantneal commented 11 years ago

I'm on it.

jonathantneal commented 11 years ago

A quick note about browser compatibility.

IE9 was released on March 14, 2011.

This was after the release of Safari 5.0.4, Opera 11, Firefox 3.6.15, iOS 4.3, and Android (Froyo 2.2.2 / Gingerbread 2.3.3 / Honeycomb 3.0).

This same year saw the release of Safari 5.1.2, Opera 11.60, Firefox 9.0.1, iOS 5.0.1, and Android (Froyo 2.2.3 / Gingerbread 2.3.7 / Honeycomb 3.2.4 / Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.3).

In all of our projects, we should consider this when Safari 4, Firefox 3.5, Opera 10, iOS 3, and older Android etc. are brought up.

jonathantneal commented 11 years ago