paulirish / css3please

use Autoprefixer instead. <3
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Remove support for old browsers #124

Closed romamatusevich closed 10 years ago

romamatusevich commented 10 years ago

According to the issue:


  1. -webkit-border-radius
  2. -webkit-gradient, -moz-linear-gradient, -o-linear-gradient
  3. -moz-transform, -o-transform
  4. -moz-transition, -o-transition
  5. -moz-animation, -o-animation, @-moz-keyframes, @-o-keyframes
  6. -o-tab-size


  1. -webkit-box-sizing: according Safari 5.0 and Android 2.3-3 use -webkit prefix.


  1. Comments about Opera 15+ support to -webkit prefixed properties: -webkit-transform, -webkit-animation.
  2. Update comment for -webkit-transition support: Safari 3.2-6 and add Android 2.1+, iOS 3.2-6.1.
paulirish commented 10 years ago

This is an epic PR. thank you so much. :dancer:

want to follow up with a commit to change the Opera 12* to "Opera" ?

After that i'll merge the eff out of this.

thanks so much for this one @romamatusevich

romamatusevich commented 10 years ago

Always pleasure!

Update "Opera 12*" to "Opera" for: background-image: linear-gradient, transform: rotate, transform: scale, transition, animation.

Also I can remove all comments about Opera < 15 and instead of "Opera 15+" use "Opera". What do you think about it?

asuh commented 10 years ago

This is awesome! I was wondering when it would happen. Can I suggest an update to box shadow as well? the -webkit-box-shadow prefix is not needed for Android 4+. Thus, we can look at getting rid of it all together since the other requirements match the border radius prefix.

romamatusevich commented 10 years ago

I suggest to leave -webkit-box-shadow. So, remove only support for Android < 2.3

paulirish commented 10 years ago
