paulirish / css3please

use Autoprefixer instead. <3
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Remove -ms- prefix where possible #126

Closed mathiasbynens closed 9 years ago

mathiasbynens commented 10 years ago

The wise @alrra says:

IE never used the -ms- prefix for animations, gradients, transforms and transitions in a stable release.

css3please currently recommends -ms-transform for IE9 compatibility. Is this incorrect? Can any other -ms-prefixed properties be removed?

alrra commented 10 years ago

css3please currently recommends -ms-transform for IE9 compatibility. Is this incorrect?

@mathiasbynens yes, for transforms IE 9 requires the -ms- prefix (I wrongly added transforms to the sentence, tested now).

paulirish commented 10 years ago

I just merged which updated a lot of details.