paulirish / css3please

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Css3please upgrades #82

Closed uxder closed 12 years ago

uxder commented 12 years ago

Hi @paulirish

A few upgrade for your consideration. Please feel free to merge, cherrypick or discard entirely. I haven't tested in all browsers but for the most part, it's working fine.

Changes include:

1) Added css3 scale.
Tested in Chrome 16, Safari 5.1.2, FF9, IE9.

Note that it's not additive in that if you toggle on .box_rotate and then select .box_scale, it won't be rotated and scaled.

2) Added 3D transforms Tested in Chrome 16, Safari 5.1.2. Still needs testing in IE10 and FF10 but it should work.

3) Update to copy. Removed reference to text-shadow coming soon because I see that it is already there.

paulirish commented 12 years ago

Nice!! can you put transform style on the right of rotateY like i did with css columns? also plz add a changelog entry for these changes (and credit yo'self!!)

this is great.

paulirish commented 12 years ago

also. you're now a repo collab so you can commit directly. great stuff from you so far. :)

uxder commented 12 years ago

Awesome! I'm in transit today so I'll make the updates in the next few days.

uxder commented 12 years ago

Hi Paul,

Okay made the updates and it should be ready to merge.

I might have a few more additions but as a collab, what are the ground rules for making commits? Should I just commit directly to master or do you want me to branch and still make pull requests so you can review before merging to master?



paulirish commented 12 years ago

i'd love if you just committed straight to master. unless your ideas are crazy, it's good to have them in by default. :)