paulirish / headless-cat-n-mouse

Is headless chrome currently detectable? Let's pit the detections and detection evasions against eachother.
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Empty Notification.permission #25

Closed Bllacky closed 3 years ago

Bllacky commented 5 years ago


In some cases, for chrome Notification.permission is an empty string. I think it happens if I use options.add_argument('--disable-notifications')

In such cases, then window.navigator.permissions.query also becomes an empty string. Could we account for this situation so that we don't end up with empty strings?

Thank you.

paulirish commented 5 years ago

not totally sure what you're saying..

are you saying the following? :

When Chrome is launched with --disable-notifications, you get these results:

const permissionStatus = await navigator.permissions.query({name: 'notifications'});
permissionStatus.state; //  ''

I can't reproduce this behavior locally. i'll always see 'denied' as the .state.

Bllacky commented 5 years ago

I think what happens is that when I run with --disabled-notifications the following code fails:

 // Pass the Permissions Test.
  await page.evaluateOnNewDocument(() => {
    const originalQuery = window.navigator.permissions.query;
    window.navigator.permissions.__proto__.query = parameters => === 'notifications'
        ? Promise.resolve({state: Notification.permission})
        : originalQuery(parameters);

The window.navigator.permissions.query returns an empty string or it returns as non-existent. Can't remember at this point since my testing was some time ago and I just left as it is. The rest of the JS evasion code works so that was good enough for me.

I'm running Chrome 75 under Centos. It's not a big deal.

Kikobeats commented 4 years ago

If you pass --disable-notifications flag, then window.Notification doesn't exist

so just mock it like:

if (!window.Notification) {
      window.Notification = {
        permission: 'denied'

before apply the rest of tweaks

Bllacky commented 3 years ago

Fixed eventually.