paulirotta / Tantalum

Tantalum Cross Platform Library
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Fix Linux build #31

Open vivainio opened 11 years ago

vivainio commented 11 years ago

Can't build the project on Linux, probably due to older SDK version (latest ones not available for Windows). .jar file names are probably different (didn't check).

Error (on "gradle build") is

* What went wrong:
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':Examples:testRuntime'.
> Could not find wtk:midp_2.1:.
  Required by:
> Could not find wtk:cldc_1.1:.
  Required by:
> Could not find wtk:jsr172_1.0:.
  Required by:
> Could not find wtk:jsr177_1.0:.
  Required by:
> Could not find wtk:jsr280_1.0:.
  Required by:

In WTK lib dir:

ville@ville-tp:~/WTK/lib$ pwd
ville@ville-tp:~/WTK/lib$ ls
checkbox_off.png      date_up.png            jsr082.jar  jsr239.jar           popup_scrolldown.png  soundbank.dls
checkbox_on.png       defaultFont.svg        jsr179.jar  jsr75.jar            popup_scrollup.png    system.config
cldcapi10.jar         gauge_leftarrow.png    jsr180.jar  link_horizontal.png  radio_off.png         ticker_border.png
cldcapi11.jar         gauge_rightarrow.png   jsr184.jar  link_vertical.png    radio_on.png          trustedmidlet_icon.png
continuous_strip.png  incremental_strip.png  jsr211.jar  midpapi10.jar        satsa-apdu.jar        trusted_prompt.png
crlf_bw.png           initialFont.svg        jsr226.jar  midpapi20.jar        satsa-crypto.jar      untrusted_prompt.png
date_down.png         internal.config        jsr229.jar  midpapi21.jar        satsa-jcrmi.jar       wma11.jar
date_left.png         j2me-ws.jar            jsr234.jar  mmapi.jar            satsa-pki.jar         wma20.jar
date_right.png        j2me-xmlrpc.jar        jsr238.jar  popup_arrow.png      security_query.png
paulirotta commented 11 years ago

Aren't you supposed to be on vacation? :)

vivainio commented 11 years ago

Yes, that's why I was fooling around with pointless stuff like Linux build ;-).

kaiinkinen commented 11 years ago

What version of the WTK is the latest one on linux? The Oracle pages are seem a bit obfuscated to me, but as far as I could tell the situation is: Windows 3.2, with 3.3 coming up in some time OS X 3.0.x, no planned new releases Linux 2.5.2, no planned new releases?

Am I correct about this?

In gradle it is possible to define new (local) repositories, that act as fallback when a lib is not found in any of the earlier repos. However, supporting different named libraries is bound to get really messy. I have to study if and how that is possible without making the whole build process unmaintainable. The most simple option would be to maintain a separate branch for 2.5.x, 3.0.x and 3.{2,3}. The branches could contain changed build files only, and later changes could be merged into those. This will however, mean some extra work in merging changes back and forth between branches.

kaiinkinen commented 11 years ago

Obviously the comment above assumes that none of the 3.x specific APIs are being used, since in such a case there is a need to branch off all development, and also make sure that the library runs on 2.5.x devices/SDK.