paulirotta / Tantalum

Tantalum Cross Platform Library
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Preprocessing disabled #49

Closed kaiinkinen closed 11 years ago

kaiinkinen commented 11 years ago

Currently no preprocessing is done for the source files, so the release build is identical to the debug build. We'd need to add a preprocessor into the flow, so that we can create a more compact binary release.

The problem with this is that when we moved over to create JSE-build, we also had to drop the dependency on Antenna. Antenna requires the WTK to be installed, which is not going to be possible on our build infrastructure (I think). We'd either need one of these 4 things to happen: 1) use antenna with microemu if possible 2) fork the latest antenna from 2010 to make the preprocessor run without WTK 3) find another JSE-enabled preproc 4) write one ourselves (in groovy)

I'm currently looking into 4), but since this will take a few iterations to complete, I'm going to see whether 1) or 2) would actually be faster. 3) doesn't seem to be too easy to find, based on a fierce googling session I had before

kaiinkinen commented 11 years ago

I went for a hybrid between 2) and 4) and wrapped antenna in a gradle plugin. It's here:

and currently embedded in the repo. I will make it a real plugin, and upload it as soon as I get access to a public maven repo. I already applied both for my plugin, as well as for Tantalum.

Status to be seen here:

There are still some issues with Windows paths, but I'll take care of those today.