paulmillr / es6-shim

ECMAScript 6 compatibility shims for legacy JS engines
MIT License
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es6-shim breaks Chrome App CSP #301

Closed stewart closed 9 years ago

stewart commented 9 years ago

Unless sandboxed, es6-shim cannot run inside of Chrome Apps right now due to this line, which triggers the CSP, and is functionally an eval() statement.

I'm unsure if the best fix is reverting, or if a better solution can be found.

ljharb commented 9 years ago

It's definitely an eval statement, and it's the only way to reliably get the global object in any environment.

Are there no CSP directives that can allow for it?

I'm definitely open to another alternative to reliably get the global object if you can suggest one.

stewart commented 9 years ago

There are CSP directives to allow for eval() usage, but they're not permitted in packaged apps, only extensions.

If there's not a clear fix, for now would it make sense to add a caveat to the README indicating that the module will conflict with Content Security Policy in Chrome extensions/apps, and suggest the appropriate fixes (CSP directive or sandboxing)?

rwaldron commented 9 years ago

@ljharb What are the target platforms (general) for es6-shim? Just browser and node, right? (I'm looking for ways around new Function('return this;');

AndersDJohnson commented 9 years ago

+1 Ran into this problem today.

ljharb commented 9 years ago

The target platforms for es6-shim are currently all web browsers, desktop or mobile (ie, run as a normal web page through a normal protocol); and every released version of node (but practically, 0.6 and higher).

Additional platforms are always ideally supported but the decision what to support or not is generally on a case by case basis. specifically was to support node-webkit ( which was broken by a fix to make this work in web workers (

anthonyryan1 commented 9 years ago

Skimming the previous issues, this is a summary of my understanding:

Browsers Node Node Webkit Web Workers
self yes yes
window yes yes broken
global yes broken

Unless I'm missing something on that table, it sounds like checking self, then window, then global and using the first one found would cover all these environments and avoid eval.

ljharb commented 9 years ago

That definitely seems like it would work :-) In addition, the es*-shims always assume they're the first to run, so shadowing/tampering with global objects isn't much of a concern. However, we don't have any node-webkit nor great web worker code coverage, and I'm worried about adding untested code paths.

It's really a shame that Function('return this')() is so simple, bulletproof, and unfakeable, and that there's no similar non-eval alternative.

If someone were able to prepare a PR that could add test coverage for node-webkit and ensure this path is covered for Web Workers as well, I'd be happy to then modify the getGlobal function to return self || window || global;.

(one idea that pops in my head to ensure correctness is testing that global.Array === [].constructor && global.RegExp === /a/g.constructor && global.Number === 42..constructor && global.String === ''.constructor && global.Function === function () {}.constructor && global.Object === ({}).constructor and throwing an exception if not)

rwaldron commented 9 years ago

However, we don't have any node-webkit

IIRC, you'll get both window and global.

Yaffle commented 9 years ago

can somebody explain me, why this cannot be used ?

(using factory(root) - or define(function () { factory(root); }))

ljharb commented 9 years ago

When es6-shim is used in a global context and first-run, perhaps we could. But, whatever method we use needs to work in a CommonJS/AMD context as well, where "this" can not be guaranteed to be the global object.

Yaffle commented 9 years ago

@ljharb , not loader context, but the context of the es6-shim.js, because you are controlling factory call. And if you are loading es5-shim.js with <script src=..> or with new Worker(...) or with node es5-shim.js (altough, I do not know about new versions of node), this points to the global object for me

ljharb commented 9 years ago

Hmm. It appears that since the initial commit ( the shim's been using "window || global", and over time, evolved to check "self", then to use the current eval approach.

@Yaffle If the es6-shim code happens to be included in a strict mode context, then wouldn't "this" be undefined?

Yaffle commented 9 years ago
"use strict";
(function (root) {
  "use strict";
  console.log(this == undefined);
timmarinin commented 9 years ago

This also breaks Firefox OS CSP for privileged apps.

sandstrom commented 9 years ago

CSP is quite handy and — in addition to being used in Chrome apps and Firefox OS — many web applications also use it. We're one of them and just ran into this.

Would anthonyryan1's method work? []

ljharb commented 9 years ago

@sandstrom See my response right below it:

stewart commented 9 years ago

I think I've got a possible fix here -

Didn't cause any issues in the environments I tested in, but maybe I'm missing something?

ljharb commented 9 years ago

@stewart What did you test it on? It would need to work back to IE 6, in node 0.6 and later, all io.js versions, node-webkit/nw.js, web workers, the node vm module's sandbox, and probably in all of a CJS, AMD, and no-module environment for each.

stewart commented 9 years ago

The one major drawback to my approach that the CSP-violating version doesn't have is that if es6-shim gets wrapped up in an IIFE w/ strict mode enabled (say by a minifier or project bundler), it'll stop working.

On the other hand, a situation like that is easier to work around for developers than a CSP-violating dependency, and relatively easy for the library to detect (check if globals === undefined).

Travis indicates at least Node/iojs support about on par with master -, I'll see about testing other platforms later (don't have access to IEs older than 10 though, I'm afraid). I did test in Chrome/Safari/Firefox and they all seemed to like it.

ljharb commented 9 years ago

I'm less concerned about browsers and node (where window and global are reliable enough), than I am about web workers and node-webkit, both of which we can't currently test on travis, nor do I have any way to test locally.

stewart commented 9 years ago

I don't have test harnesses available for either at present, but I'll see about getting something worked together over the weekend, unless someone else beats me to it.

ljharb commented 9 years ago


ljharb commented 9 years ago

I've worked on this with @rwaldron and @jugglinmike in person, and we've found a non-eval approach that seems to work in browsers, workers, node-webkit, and node.

In order to unblock Chrome apps from having CSP issues, I'm going to go ahead with this change. Please let me know if this change has broken anything.

Yaffle commented 9 years ago

@ljharb this throws an error when running using WSH. Altough, es6-shim does not work in WSH anyway...

ljharb commented 9 years ago

Thanks, that's good to know - what is the thrown error?

If you can provide me with various exceptions that the shim throws (as separate issues, please) I'll do my best to fix them!

Yaffle commented 9 years ago

throw new Error('unable to locate global object');

ljharb commented 9 years ago

Perfect, that's exactly what it's supposed to do :-) It appears that in WSH, the only option is to get this in the global context.

I'd suggest then that in wsh, users need to do something like var global = this; in the global context prior to including the es6-shim.

Yaffle commented 9 years ago

@ljharb , setTimeout is not supported, so

var promiseSupportsSubclassing = supportsSubclassing(globals.Promise, function(S) {
            return S.resolve(42).then(function() {}) instanceof S;

promiseSupportsSubclassing test throws an error...

ljharb commented 9 years ago

@Yaffle Try the latest commit in WSH - please file a new issue for me if there's any further issues.

Yaffle commented 9 years ago

@ljharb , well... it works with var global = this; and es5-shim, but throws some errors: 1) "Number" is a bad name for IE8 (probablye because of, so before this line is reached, Number is called and throws the error, because isBinary is not defined yet. 2) wrapConstructor uses Object.getOwnPropertyNames, which is not supported in IE8 event with es5-shim; 3) Map and Set are not polyfilled in IE8 because of if (supportsDescriptors) {

ljharb commented 9 years ago

@Yaffle Can you please file an issue for 1 and 2? 3 is expected and desired.

chmx commented 8 years ago

@ljharb Using var global = this; before loading es6-shim works with Nashorn too. Thanks!